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May. 7th, 2020


Edwin: 12:15pm [Private to Chase & Lucy]

So, last night Oliver, Marco and I ended up talking D&D again, so I'm trying to work on a game again. I've never DMed, which is why I keep putting this off, because I don't want a bunch of people who have never played to be turned off from the game because I did it bad. Have either of you DMed before? Any tips? Also, do you guys want to be involved, and if you do, how comfortable would you be with helping in the planning phase? I feel both very interested in doing this, and also terrified of doing this. I figured I'd poke at you guys before I start seeing who else is interested again.

May. 4th, 2020


Lucy<3: 9:46 am

[Attempt 1] Well, I've been a vendor at a bunch of cons before and well... there are some cosplays I regret seeing.

[Attempt 2] Okay, you want me to be more specific, alright.

I've worked at Heroes for Hire since I was sixteen, I became a key holding manager right after I turned 18. I was often in charge of our 'away team' which was basically a crew I would take with me to run our booth at local conventions... and well, it was 2014.

This is only important, because for those of you who don't know, this was BronyCon's biggest year and when that happens... well, copy cat cons form. BronyCon happened in Baltimore, and closer to home in Texas HarmonyCon started. Along the same lines, it was dedicated to all lovers of My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. We had just gotten a bunch of their comics and collectables, and so away we went.

This brought on a weird sect of Con followers and Cosplayers--- from realistic MLP horse style cosplays, to equestria girls and... well, Brony's in their finest furry fetish gear. I say this not to shame anyone of, of course, but...

It was weird. To see some little girls child show turned complete fetish galore. It was actually one of the last cons I did before coming here.


Tobias - 8:49am

When I was working as an intern at a marketing firm one summer during college, one of the junior executives used to bring her pet iguana to the office every day. she'd walk around with it on her shoulder like it was a parrot and it barely moved except for when it was blinking. she told people it was her emotional support pet. everyone was too scared of her to say anything.

that was pretty weird.

May. 2nd, 2020


kiley - 9:32


Anyway, my uncle owns a bar in Chicago and I "helped" out there before you all abducted me. He had a regular by the name of Charlie who came in every Friday for exactly three beers. that's all normal stuff, obviously. but he also carried a human skull that belonged to his grandmother. apparently he was raised by her and when she passed he paid off the mortician to give him the skull as a keepsake. I don't know how they did it, or how much money was exchanged, but he would put the skull on the bar counter while he drank and watched sports. He also occasionally "fed" the skull peanuts too.


Dylan - 10:32am

The weirdest thing I've ever seen before this place? I mean, it's probably going to seem tame in comparison but there was this one time at a New Year's Eve party at a friend's place. It was like 4 am and we were all outside, saying goodbye and whatever, and this random dude walked up to a friend of mine and asked her to spit in his hands. She did, which was weird, and after that the guy used it to wash his face and then said goodnight and walked away.

Apr. 30th, 2020


Edwin: 10:12am

Attempt 1: I mean, I've seen GWAR play live.

Attempt 2: I went to a music festival where GWAR was playing, and that was a crazy experience. Part of their whole deal is that all the members are in costumes that are intense and bulky and weird, and through their show they bring on people to "dismember" during songs, which involves spraying the crowd with lots and lots and lots of fake blood, while the main guy has a costume piece over his crotch that's basically an eye surrounded by four dicks? And a lot of their fans go to shows dressed in all white so they can get sprayed, and then they have their souvenir blood spatter shirt. A fake chainsaw came out at one point, and a dinosaur? Everyone's covered in spikes, they draw abs on their belly fat, there are fake decapitations. It's a fucking insane show. It was fun as hell, but one of the weirdest experience I've had before this place.

Apr. 28th, 2020


Edwin: 6:44PM [Private messages]

[Private to Kiley]
Dragon friend! Hey! I heard you were on a cliff? How are you doing? Lennon and I were heading out to see if you needed help, but it sounded like you were rescued without issue. You okay? Is your guy spoiling you after your cliff adventure? Cliff adventure sounds way more fun than what it actually was.

[Private to Dylan]
Dylan! How are you? Where were you? Are you okay? No injuries, right? Sorry I didn't message earlier, when we finally got back I took a long nap. It's been a day, as you know. If I don't run into you on the way to or from the bathroom at some point tonight, I owe you a hug tomorrow. I realize that I could just walk over and knock on your door, but my legs are dead and I have a boyfriend leaning on me. But that hug's coming.

[Private to Lennon]
How are your legs? My blisters have blisters. We did good today. I took a serious nap when we got back. Marco's here with me and Oliver, and he seems pretty okay, in case you were worried. You doing alright?

[Private to Jack]
Hey! I just wanted to reach out and see how you were doing. I know you were taken today, though I don't know where you were or what you went through. I felt like I needed to check in, though. You doing alright? Oliver just brought up the fact that we have everything to make potato chips, and I think I'm going to do that tomorrow, and wanted to offer you some. But mostly I wanted to see how you were doing.

Apr. 17th, 2020


Tobias 11:05pm

We found Oliver. He's okay.

Apr. 14th, 2020


Ivy - 10:41am

I found Marco. But he's stuck in something like a mud bog. I'm going to need some help getting him out.

Apr. 12th, 2020


Edwin: 10:39am

I've got Lennon here. He's been out in this lake for who knows how long, and he's cold and tired but seems okay overall. We're going to sit and relax for a few minutes, then figure out what to do from there. Anyone else find Oliv anybody?

Apr. 9th, 2020


Chase - 8:27am

Kiley isn't in our room and her phone is here and there are markers all over themap that aren't movingg like what happened wiht Vanessa amd Jerome what do we do


Edwin: 8:12am

If anyone sees my boyfriend, can you send him back my way? He left his phone here so I can't message him to tell him to come back. You can even tell him it's for snuggling purposes. Make it embarrassing. [...] He's just in the kitchen or working out probably

Mar. 28th, 2020


PM to Edwin

Lila came with some weird news and it looks like the big guy is about to have a panic attack. We're in the main room of the lodge.

Mar. 15th, 2020


TPTB - 6:00pm

We have collected and counted each group's winnings for today's challenge. Each group's totals can be found below.

Please reply to this post in your group's designated section to request your rewards. Rewards with limited availability will be given to the requesting team that has the most points. All requests will be reviewed tonight, therefore any requests made after midnight will be rejected, and those points forfeited.

Mar. 14th, 2020


Jack - 2:38pm

Scotty and I got enough for the food prize. We were talking about it, and his vote is for chicken, and mine's for beef. Both are going to be really versatile, especially if we can get bone-in cuts for either.

If we can go for a full, uncooked chicken like you'd get at for a rotisserie, I'm switching my vote to chicken. It's white meat, dark meat, wings, drumsticks, bones we can use for stock, fat we can render into cooking oil. If we can chicken that hasn't been butchered (all the bits still inside) that's even better. There's a lot I can do with all that, and whatever we don't use we can probably turn into fertilizer, right? The one good thing about this place is we don't have to worry about bugs or critters getting at it.

If anyone has any other ideas or preferences, toss em at me!

Edit: If a few people out there have fish they don't know how to spend, and have enough to get the $5 thing, two or three single gallon containers of vegetable oil, and maybe a couple containers of olive oil, would go a long way to improving how we cook a lot of what we've got (also, can I get a "hell yeah" for some honey garlic chicken wings?). I can render the chicken fat, like I said, but it's not going to be great for everything.

Mar. 4th, 2020



PM to Kiley 10:12pm

We cool?

PM to Edwin 10:31pm

You guys awake still? Who are two famous artists that had serious beef with each other?


Lucy<3: 5:23 pm


Marco and I are really close to cracking some of this code. I promise. I just...

I don't know. I need something. I need more data samples. I need more pieces for the puzzle.

So like, if everyone could leave me something like... I don't know

I dont know

Useful information I guess.

Maybe the ages of anyone who used to be here but isn't? I did some digging on the Network and found some older codes too that uh... don't belong here anymore.

[Private to Edwin, Felix, Levi, Ivy]
I'd really like to have your numbers, please!

[Private to Dylan and Marco]

You, Marco and I are the only people (so far) bound together in a group denoted by the letter 'U'. Want to help us figure out what we could all be connected by?

Feb. 24th, 2020


Filtered to Pam, Edwin and Kate - 12:19pm

The group who went out just got back. They didn't find Vanessa or Jerome.

There were human remains near the perimeter. Too damaged to be identified.

Feb. 23rd, 2020


Edwin: 9:18am [Private to Oliver]


How the fuck do I say this


We made it out to the barrier. [...] We found a body. It's He's [...] shredded. And burnt. We're going to try to cremate it him the rest of the way before we head back.

Feb. 17th, 2020


Oliver - 6:38am

Ivy and Chase are safe and back at the house, and Scotty is on his way back. We've still got Vanessa and Jerome unaccounted for, and it's obvious now that we need to take advantage of the daylight while we've got it.

One of the markers is still where it was yesterday, but there's something weird with the other one. It could be a glitch, but we won't know anything until we get people heading that way.

Ideas? Volunteers?

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