February 8th, 2021

[info]recklessrecluse in [info]mountzenithnet

PM to Lucy and Marco - 10:14 am

is there anything you guys want? wouldn't have won without you.

[info]silverfox in [info]mountzenithnet

Oliver - 8:12am

Alright, I got most of the outdoor camp stuff outside and I'm gonna be working on getting things set up for tonight. I can't get back into the house without a shock, but apparently the back porch off the utility room doesn't count, so I'm setting us up right next to that. Looks like it's gonna rain in a bit so if anyone would be willing to help us out with supplies we might still need it would be great to stock them there for now until the tents are all set up.

Anybody who isn't mandatory, or my nerdy boyfriend, wanna come hang out with us tonight?