July 9th, 2020

[info]wouldilietoyou in [info]mountzenithnet

Felix - 6:12pm

Looks like we're not making it back tonight. Would somebody be willing to bunnysit Shark for the night so she's not alone?

[info]pumpkinbutter in [info]mountzenithnet

i<3Fletcher: 6:41pm

We found a truck!

[Image of Pam taking a selfie in front of a blue, worn, antique truck]

It's missing tires and probably other things, I am by no means a car expert, but isn't it nice to see a car again? Oh my gosh, I nearly hugged it.

We also got our lanterns, and we found a bunch of tools! I hope everyone else had a successful day! <3
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[info]mountzenith in [info]mountzenithnet


Day 49.