May 4th, 2020

[info]hidingfromview in [info]mountzenithnet

Tobias - 8:49am

When I was working as an intern at a marketing firm one summer during college, one of the junior executives used to bring her pet iguana to the office every day. she'd walk around with it on her shoulder like it was a parrot and it barely moved except for when it was blinking. she told people it was her emotional support pet. everyone was too scared of her to say anything.

that was pretty weird.

[info]fantasyhero in [info]mountzenithnet

Lucy<3: 9:46 am

[Attempt 1] Well, I've been a vendor at a bunch of cons before and well... there are some cosplays I regret seeing.

[Attempt 2] Okay, you want me to be more specific, alright.

I've worked at Heroes for Hire since I was sixteen, I became a key holding manager right after I turned 18. I was often in charge of our 'away team' which was basically a crew I would take with me to run our booth at local conventions... and well, it was 2014.

This is only important, because for those of you who don't know, this was BronyCon's biggest year and when that happens... well, copy cat cons form. BronyCon happened in Baltimore, and closer to home in Texas HarmonyCon started. Along the same lines, it was dedicated to all lovers of My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. We had just gotten a bunch of their comics and collectables, and so away we went.

This brought on a weird sect of Con followers and Cosplayers--- from realistic MLP horse style cosplays, to equestria girls and... well, Brony's in their finest furry fetish gear. I say this not to shame anyone of, of course, but...

It was weird. To see some little girls child show turned complete fetish galore. It was actually one of the last cons I did before coming here.

[info]paleshadow in [info]mountzenithnet

Lila - 10:09am

oh the stories I could use

one of the dancers I worked with had this move where she could hook her leg around the pole and lift her body parallel to the floor. one night she actually fell on her face and broke her nose. blood was everywhere. one of our regulars leaned over and licked some of the blood from the stage.

so yeah. that was weird. and disgusting.

[info]pumpkinbutter in [info]mountzenithnet

i<3Fletcher: 9:18am

Honest to god, no lie, I was working one day, and we had a client come in with their pet duck, telling us there was something wrong with it, because it couldn't swim. It was just like a really bad swimmer. I had to stand there and explain to this person that their duck was actually a CHICKEN, and I honestly don't know how they thought that their chicken was a duck. To this day, I still think about how strange it was that this full grown adult BOUGHT a CHICKEN thinking that they were spending their money on a DUCK.