October 28th, 2019

[info]movedthrough in [info]mountzenithnet

DragonHeart: 4:22PM

sent to Chase, Kiley, Tobias and Marco )

[info]loathethyself in [info]mountzenithnet

Jerome - 8:51 pm

Regarding the food items, Jack came up with a list that looks like this:

-whole milk
-flour or oats
-brown rice
-coffee beans
-sugar or honey
-dried pinto beans

I agree with most of this, however, we did have a dispute over swapping out coffee beans for something else or not. The benefits of coffee are that it may offer something for people they are used to, and are part of their routine, beneficial for holding up wherever we go mentally. It also prevents caffeine withdrawal to anyone this concerns, and could help staying awake.
The disadvantages of coffee are that it takes up a slot for something that could have more nutritional value, especially vitamins, or one more thing that could offer a little bit more variety.

Alternatively the slot could be filled with something else that people could estimate as something that makes them feel good, like chocolate or alcoh, depending on how many people actually drink coffee here, or value coffee higher than other comfort foods/beverages.

It would be great if you can offer your thoughts, so we can come to an agreement. We should roll with whatever most people prefer, there is no right or wrong in this case, but every opinion matters, and should be taken into account.

[info]recklessrecluse in [info]mountzenithnet

Chase - 6:10pm

just a reminder, but our gym stuff came as a set. that comes with the bag, an extra set of clothes, and our sneakers.

[PM to Edwin]

Are you bringing your Dungeons and Dragons stuff? Should I add my books too so we have more than one set?

[info]manchildish in [info]mountzenithnet


1. The framed picture of me and Izzy
2. My personalized knife set
3. My MP3 player and headphones
4. This unopened, full 1lb box of baking powder with my name on it.
5. My spartan novelty apron
6. This bigass bag of garlic bulbs, also with my name on it.
7. My keurig and all the k-cups I got as a set from Chase for Christmas.
8. This block of Parmesan-Reggiano, also also with my name on it.
9. My gym gear set
10. My bottle of Dalmore 62
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