October 26th, 2019

[info]loathethyself in [info]mountzenithnet

Jerome - 6:08 pm

I'm relatively new here still, so I actually don't have accumulated many items to take with me. At least not ten. I will have a few spare slots, so if anyone finds themselves with more than ten items to want to transfer, I can add them to my list, and also pick them up from you, as they should be considered 'mine' at the moment of "relocation". I will of course return them ;-)

[info]wouldilietoyou in [info]mountzenithnet

Private to TPTB - 5:11pm

When you say "items" you specifically mean tangible shit, right? You said phones would be provided so I assume that means some species of network access at some point for everyone. Just wondering if I'll need to toss my secondary account in as an "item" in order to use it or not.

Also, should I pack swim trunks?