October 24th, 2019

[info]mountzenith in [info]mountzenithnet


Day 35.

[info]thatdarnoctopus in [info]mountzenithnet

MarcoV: 4:08pm

If we end up in a bunker-type situation again, I call dibs on getting to live in the big house and make the good money with the easy job.

[...] Do you think we should be worr Any bets on [...] I'll bet someone one of my lava lamps that we're gonna end up in a futuristic bunker this time. [...] Do you think we should be worried?

[info]fantasyhero in [info]mountzenithnet

Lucy<3: 4:23 pm

I'm concerned about all of this-- it sounds incredibly ominous. I hate change so much. I'm currently going through all of my things and trying to inventory them to figure out what I feel like is important. What are we going to get taken away? Like... do our beds need to be one of the items? Our toothbrushes?

also-- food items?! Are they going to take water from us?

Since it said that we are going to need to select ten food items I was thinking---

--- Water
--- Flour
--- Eggs
--- Milk
--- Rice
--- Beans
--- Pasta
--- Potatoes

those are all things that are filling and versatile and like you can use flour to make breads and to thicken things... I don't know.