July 14th, 2019

[info]loathethyself in [info]mountzenithnet

Jerome - 11:47 am

I just want to inform you that due to me mopping the second floor, the floor might be wet and slippery, so please take care. I will do the first floor in the evening, so please be careful then, too.

[info]wouldilietoyou in [info]mountzenithnet

[Filtered to ExB - 1:20pm]

Okay, kids. Let's pow-wow.

I think it's probably fairest for each of us to come up with something and submit it to the group, then we can weigh in and tweak together before we toss the three ideas at our generous overlords.

I'm thinking it would be a beneficial to have some discreet, underground transit system into town from the batcave. Maybe with an entrance coming out of one of the intact but less-used buildings in town. Hospital? Library?

[PM to Lucy - 4:15pm]

So I was looking through some stuff, and I've got this random German-to-English phrasebook one of the former residents left behind. I know that Vanessa is still struggling with the language barrier, but I'm not really comfortable giving it to her myself. I'd leave it at her door, but I don't want to chance someone picking it up thinking it belongs back in the study and then never finding it again.

I know you two are friends, so if I pass this off to you would you be cool with passing it off to her? I'd kind of prefer it if she didn't know who it was from. I don't want her to mistake it as incentive or anything.

[info]wouldilietoyou in [info]mountzenithnet


I'd like to trade in my low-frequency noise emitter for Lila's unused Wild Card, please and thank you.