May 29th, 2019

[info]loathethyself in [info]mountzenithnet

PM to Pam - 12:41 pm

Hello! I just had a conversation with Ma someone and apparently I unknowingly insulted this person because I fell into the language trap. I hope you don't mind if I ask you, but is it considered rude to ask someone if I should grab a bottle for them? I meant a bottle of water, but it was perceived as condescending and me treating them as a child. I don't understand why, in German, this would be a perfectly appropriate question.

I hope you are doing okay. This voodoo stuff seems to have led to some [...] strange things around here.

[info]promqueen_ in [info]mountzenithnet

PM to Scotty - 12:13 pm

Hi so i'm like super BUSY now but you want to meet later and fuck?? Like you smash this cameras is HOT and super manly and omg I want you