May 24th, 2019

[info]sinnersson in [info]mountzenithnet

┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 9:31am

YOOOO I wanna smash some cameras today so if you find a camera that I haven't smashed yet let me know where it is so i can smash the fuck out of it

If you want me to get the ones in your rooms I'll do that too

Also anyone DTF

[info]promqueen_ in [info]mountzenithnet


PM to Lucy - 12:03 pm

So I sleeped at your room and waked at my room, someone moved me?? I couldnt MOVE for hours after I waked! Can you move?? The costume man attack me still! Can I come to you again later?? I feel drugged!! Its so strange I super dont feel like talking but Im scared

PM to Dylan - 12:09 pm

Hey so you said me you can show me cooking?? I want to cook and make food and stuff super soon, like right now??

[info]fantasyhero in [info]mountzenithnet

Lucy<3: 11:46 am


I know that being here is really stressful. I get it!

But also, did you know that showing some compassion and being really just kind to your fellow captive could honestly just go a long way?

So maybe be a little nicer! It really couldn't kill you!

If anyone needs any help today, let me know, alright? I would love to help out the best I can, because really if we help each other through all of this? What can They really do?

[info]hidingfromview in [info]mountzenithnet

PM to Chase - close to noon

i feel fucked up. really bad. idk what this is but it's weird and awful and sometimes not awful at all and i've jerked off like three times and i don't know what any of this stuff is. are you and kiley ok?