April 23rd, 2019

[info]silverfox in [info]mountzenithnet

Oliver - 8:32am

Everyone accounted for?

[info]promqueen_ in [info]mountzenithnet

Nessie - 9:08 am

Internet doesnt work! Why you give me a phone without internet? Its garbage!
Also I need medicine for my throat! It hurts only because this Marko and Jo morons scared and attacked me yesterday!
LOL when my dad finds me he will sue this garbage dump and both of them

[info]loathethyself in [info]mountzenithnet

Jerome - 9:01 am

What the actual fu
Well this was... unexpected. People told me about "vacations" but... wow.
What exactly means this for us? We just live here like we live in the mansion until this is over? Does usually something happen when they do stuff like this, besides the obvious place change?
How the fuck is this even possible

PM to Lucy
How are you feeling today if you don't mind me asking? Did you eat something yesterday?
I heard you were thinking about a trip to the theater room with some people to watch a movie together? Unfortunately, They thwarted this plans by relocating us, but maybe we find something different to keep ourselves occupied :-)

PM to Oliver
... on the plus side, I have a phone now.
This is still weird as fuck. [...] Are you down for breakfast? I baked a ton of stuff yesterday which is gone now, so I intend on making waffles and iced coffee.
I would appreciate your company. Don't feel pressured into it though.

[info]undercovergoth in [info]mountzenithnet

Edwin: 11:52am [Private to Dylan]

So were you serious about looking for some kind of secret costume dungeon? My boyfriend is getting lunch with his second boyfriend someone else, and going on a hunt for new clothes and costumes sounds like the best way to experience this house. You wanna?