March 18th, 2019

[info]loathethyself in [info]mountzenithnet

PM to Lucy - 8:26 A.M.

Good morning!

How do you feel? I have a slight feeling that you might not feel that great this morning ;-)
It will get better throughout the day. If you need painkillers, I can bring you some. It's best to drink some water or tea to ease your stomach, and you should eat something when the nausea got better. If you are okay with that, I will check on you in the afternoon and bring you some tea and something to eat, alright? That's what I did when my son had his very first hangover.

In order to do that, I need to know where your room is.
If you want to be left alone for the day, that's okay, in that case I'll leave some stuff for you in the kitchen.

Either way, I hope it didn't hit you too bad after all :-)

[info]sinnersson in [info]mountzenithnet

┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 9:31am [Filtered to Ivy, Ettie, Dylan, Jesse, Justice, Lucy, & Jerome]

Yo! if any of you guys are going through this backlog of network posts that just showed up can you let me know if you see anything worthwhile about my dad? Right now all I'm seeing is him just being a fucking troll. But I haven't gotten that far back yet. There's a lot of fucking messages here. It would be fucking cool to read private messages right now