March 6th, 2019

[info]loathethyself in [info]mountzenithnet

PM to Oliver - 10:51 A.M

Good morning.

My name is Jerome, yours is Oliver I assume? I hate that fucking name
We talked yesterday over the network and firstly, I wanted to apologize for my behaviour. I was unnessecarily rude and unreasonable. You were right when you said I should get a clean head. I wasn't sure if I could trust you being people stuck here and got a bit paranoid. Sorry.

I wanted to ask if we could meet up and go to town? I still have many questions about this place and your [...] our situation. And I want to see where we are.

[info]hidingfromview in [info]mountzenithnet

PMs to Lennon and Chase - 10:29am

saw marco wasn't feeling well. woke up pretty congested myself. you two feeling okay? stupid to think it might be the whole house, but you never know in this place.

[info]wouldilietoyou in [info]mountzenithnet

Felix - 11:23am

Slightly congested, friendly, and flexible SWM iso partner, single or multiples, M or F, for playing arcade games and winning shit in semi-creepy game basement. Will have access to booze, pot, and STDs*. No drags** allowed.

*the fun, squishy kind.

**Queens may apply, crabby fun-suckers need not.