February 19th, 2019

[info]mountzenith in [info]mountzenithnet


Day 17.

[info]recklessrecluse in [info]mountzenithnet

Chase - 8:48am

Final Fantasy VI.

[info]rosetinting in [info]mountzenithnet

Ettie - 8:38am

I really liked those picture find game books, does that count?

[info]undercovergoth in [info]mountzenithnet

Edwin: 9:05am

Just make believe? I guess? Pretend fighting?

[info]pumpkinbutter in [info]mountzenithnet

i<3Fletcher: 9:28am

My sister and I used to love playing with Littlest Pet Shop and Polly Pockets and things! You know, like Barbie!
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[info]silverfox in [info]mountzenithnet

Oliver - 8:56am

We didn't have games when I was a kid. We just banged rocks together in our neverending quest for fire.

Open the fucking door.

[PM to Edwin]
Are you okay? Are you in your room?

[PM to Kate]
I'm guessing your not the one who left a tray of food for me and Edwin, presumably yesterday?

[info]wouldilietoyou in [info]mountzenithnet

Felix - 9:05am

Guess Who

[info]thatdarnoctopus in [info]mountzenithnet

MarcoV: 8:16am


[info]sinnersson in [info]mountzenithnet

┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 9:19am

Catch. You know WITH MY DAD.

[info]fantasyhero in [info]mountzenithnet

Lucy: 7:46 am

They really like locking the doors around here dont they? Day two to waking up to locks.

I like boardgames. I like Clue. Or Hide and Seek if we were outside.