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Dec. 16th, 2012


looking to enlist troops!

the game: A Jane Austen-centric universe (too narrow?) where all the characters are modern versions of Austen characters. Whether or not they live out their storylines "properly" is entirely up to the players!

the help: I mean, I'd love a co-mod-- just having someone else around to throw ideas off of is invaluable in moderating games. But for the time being I'd be happy with a few extra pairs of hands to help with fluffing the place up-- some light coding, a lot of worldbuilding, that sort of thing.

If anyone is interested in helping, please drop me a line! Or if you're just interested in coming to play once things get off the ground. Or if you have thoughts/critiques about the premise/the very limited anything that's up in the journal right now. Your help and your feedback would be well-loved!

Nov. 24th, 2012


Game Success?

I have been trying for the past year or so to come up with a panfandom game that will actually last, or even gain enough characters to start in the first place for that matter.

I've played in games that were already established and active, and while they were fun, they only gave me ideas of games I would like to start. I don't think I'm doing anything differently, and I try to make the premise and design of the mod journal as interesting as I can, but I still get only a few bites.

I'd like to give it another go, but I'd rather not go through all the work it takes to set something up if no one's going to give it a chance. It seems to me that it's hard for a person to start a game that lasts even if the premise is interesting.

My question is... How do I start a new game that will actually get off the ground if everyone is only looking for established games to play in? I'm open to any and all ideas you can help me with. Please help me. I have good ideas, I think, but they just never seem to work out....

Oct. 23rd, 2012


Idea for a fantasy pan-fandom game:

Strangers show up in the Game of Thrones world (going off the show).

fandoms: Harry Potter, LOTR, The Mists of Avalon, etc

I really want to see this happen, but I don't have the time to make it!

Oct. 18th, 2012


Looking for a co-mod

In the spirit of Halloween I want to do either one of two things: a haunted town game based off an idea I did oh say six years ago with original characters or a Supernatural one based off an idea involving Azazel's other generations of kids with powers. So I'd definitely be in the market for a co-mod and someone I can throw ideas off of concerning either one. I'm not expecting an answer but here's to keeping my fingers crossed. <3

Oct. 3rd, 2012


I am in need of opinions, and mod help with an awesome game I came up with. The basics are located @ [info]candleinsnow.

What I want to know is:

Should the game be on ij or should it be forum based? PUTTING IT ON IJ WINS!

Should we use pseudonyms to keep the game "anon" if it would promote less potential drama? What kinds of plot do you want to see (something WILL be happening with the muggles/muggleborns up in Scotland and Harry down in France EVENTUALLY)? Should I add more people? Etc.

What other input do you have to give?

Who wants to help me mod this? I'm looking for 2-3 more people! (I need a nit-picker, coding help never hurts, and help with activity checks.)

PPS: The 'taken' list is inaccurate right now cause some people bailed on me. So only look at the names and such. Not the pbs/journals/etc. ALSO: It's NOT based on GoT. It was INSPIRED BY the first couple episodes. I worded that wrong.

PPPS: I'm removing the rules for now as they'll need to be re-worked.

COMMENTS SCREENED or feel free to aim me @ loveindecembersnow!

Sep. 25th, 2012


Fellow panfandom mods! I have some questions for you. I'm looking for general opinions about activity in a fast paced, plot heavy panfandom setting for a large game (35+ players, 200+ characters). What kind of rules regarding activity do you think are fair? How do you go about enforcing them? When a player is not up to that activity requirement, how do you handle it? Do you have rules about hiatuses? How do they come into play when it comes time to check up on activity? Any opinions or just sharing how you've handled activity checks successfully in the past would be helpful to me! I'm just wondering if the way I handle it at my game is the best way or if there are other ways out there that might be better for myself and my players.


Sep. 19th, 2012


[info]sevenpoints is a forum style game based off SOME (not all) elements of A Song of Ice and Fire. We are currently in the beginning stages of set up and I am currently searching for 5-7 people who would be interested in a general mod position. I am without internet for a few days but feel free to im me loveindecembersnow, it's always on my mobile.

Sep. 4th, 2012


Seeking co-mod!

Good afternoon, everyone!

I'm looking for a co-mod for a pan-fandom game I want to put together, based on:

1) the idea of multiple dimensions and travelling between dimensions
2) a threat to the multi-verse that can only be stopped by our heroes
3) intelligent companion animals that bond with characters (a la Dragonriders of Pern, the Temeraire books, Valdemar, etc. but if none of that sounds familiar just think a telepathic bond with an intelligent creature -- I'm thinking big cats, actually) and allow them to travel to the various dimensions, help them with their missions, etc.

Plots in this game will be based on

1) missions out into various dimensions
2) home life at headquarters, including day to day stuff, office politics, and also special events including "bonding ceremonies", in which candidates (volunteers) from various dimensions are presented to young companion animals and some of them are "chosen"

I'm still in the very early stages of development in this game, so now is the time to get in on the ground floor, but also keep in mind that I expect working out the structure and plots and everything to take a while, so this isn't a game that's almost ready to start. Maybe in a month or two. I'm planning on working fairly steadily and I have the time to put into it, but I'm also in no rush, I want to do this right.

I'm planning on making the first big plot be one of the bonding ceremonies, and since this is a big event, I'm planning on recruiting for coordinators and others to play previously bonded characters and help run various aspects of that plot. So while anyone who comes in now as co-mod will be high in the admin team, this isn't going to be a flat game with two mods and everyone else simply players, I'm going to delegate a bit more than that from the very start. Just fair warning so you know what to expect.

If you're interested, please comment here (or PM if you prefer, but comment so I know you PMed) and we'll get in touch to talk a little more. I'll want to discuss roleplaying/modding experience (if any, it's not required, at least on the modding side) and the sorts of things you enjoy and would want to bring out in a game you were modding, and probably play a scene or two together (something random) so we can each get a feel for roleplaying styles. And I'd answer any questions you might have, of course, probably share the same sorts of information as I want from you.

I'm serious about this game, I want to put something together that'll be more than a flash in the pan, and I'm looking for a serious partner to bounce ideas off of and to take over some aspects of game development. But no pressure, if you're interested let me know and we can explore it some more, see if we're a good fit for modding together.

Aug. 21st, 2012


Ministry of Magic Game?

Hey there!

Is there any interest in creating an AU(?) post-Hogwarts game centered around the career climbing and fiercely political world of the British Ministry of Magic, and by extension, the Wizarding World? The game would be entirely about players advancing their characters down their desired career path, respected station, and lifestyle. Comes with a whole Galleon payment system, Daily Prophet, Quibbler, Wizengamot, ability to own Wizarding businesses, etc.

PM me or comment below. I laid out some of the logistics as how I would see the world played out. I'm mostly in need of an experienced mod/s or just someone to bounce off ideas with, as this will involve a lot work, plot, time and brainstorming. I really want this to be a lot of fun, so no stressing allowed. Fun people only.

Jul. 23rd, 2012


Hello, lovely people of [info]modcooperative  . I'm here today to ask for feedback, ideas and suggestions.

A friend and I are making a game. It is an AU Batman Nolan-verse inspired game but with a completely different twist. We will be taking elements of video games, board games and table-top roleplaying games into our game's mechanics and I hope that you will take a look and tell us your thoughts. Is it too complicated? Is there something wrong? Have you done something similar and want to offer a suggestion? Please feel free to do so below.

Cut for length. )

Jun. 1st, 2012


Harry Potter Co-Mod

Hi there! I'm Jo and I'm looking for someone to help me co-mod a next-generation Harry Potter game. The game will take place in 2015, Teddy Lupin's seventh year. It's a social game but we've got a tightly-packed calendar and we're going to be working very hard to develop personal plots for each character. OOC, we've got a whole points system going and bingo and almost daily memes and a whole host of other things that will take a lot of work, but I really believe will give us a big payoff in return with a long-running and incredibly fun game with an exceptionally low turn-over rate compared to most Hogwarts games. There's a lot to do but I'm hoping to have three mods in total to share the responsibility. I'm not asking you for a long-term commitment, however - I'm actually planning on changing at least one co-mod every six months or so to keep fresh ideas coming, so you can just help me get things started and then stay on as a player after your time as co-mod comes to an end. No pressure. No endless, overwhelming burden of responsibility. Just fun! If you think you might be interested, I'm happy to answer any questions you have, either here or by PM.

May. 18th, 2012


Marvel Civil War

I've been modding for 5+ years and I'm going to be starting a Marvel Civil War era community based in the Marvel Movieverse. I've seen all the marvel movies and I'm very knowledgeable about the characters of the X-Men comic verse, but I lack specific knowledge and details about the Civil War line and the other marvel characters past their movie appearances. Although we would obviously be tweaking things for the movieverse, I'm looking for a co-moderator who's more knowledgeable about this specific era in Marvel's universe so that we could work together on creating this community.

Ideally, I'd love it if you had some good modding experience, but the most important thing is that you can come with your own ideas, be open minded to combining ideas and be aware of what issues members usually have with poor moderators. It's important to me that we can work to set up the community together, but I'd also love to keep you on as a co-mod once we open. So I need to know that you feel you'd be able to continue to moderate well, incorporate old and new members into the monthly plots, help to welcome people and dissolve any potential issues before they become unneeded drama, etc. These responsibilities would be both of ours.

Please comment if you're interested, and send any friends you think of this way if they fit the picture. Thanks!

Mar. 20th, 2012


So, I've recently gotten into Misfits and was appalled at the lack of RPs set in this universe. It's a perfect place to play in! I'd like to start (or join!) a game buuut I figured I'd check here first and see if there was any interest in one. Anyone like to play in a Misfits game or know of anyone who would?

Feb. 28th, 2012


So, I'm thinking about starting a game.

I've got a couple of ideas floating around in my head for plot, but my real problem is gauging interest. Essentially, I'm thinking about starting a game because no games exist for this fandom anymore and I really want to play with it. But I also don't want to go to the work of creating it if no one's going to want to play. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to go about seeing if there'd be a player base for it?

(Fandom's Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, by the way. It'd most likely be a mixture of anime & manga history.)

Feb. 19th, 2012


Looking for a co-mod

I'm looking to start an AU game based on the Seven Kingdoms, as described in A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones. I've got a lot of the set-up complete, so feel free to check out what I have on this journal. I'd say it's about 75% ready to go. As this game feels like it'll be rather large, hopefully, if it gets off to a good start, I'd love a co-mod or two to help me out.

The type of co-mod I'd love is someone who's good with the day to day modly stuff - helping with updates and keeping the plot moving along, etc. I'd also love someone who has a real love for the series like I do, or someone who has a lot of ideas to pitch in.

Please let me know if you're interested!

Dec. 16th, 2011


Seeing Co-Mods

Anyone out there interested in modding a game set in approx 1910-ish? The premise is that Arianna Dumbledore died of natural causes, freeing Albus to travel the world with Gellert. I'm not sure of an over-arching plot (maybe Gellert and Albus have plans to take over the Ministry, or a Dark Wizard decides to try to take over...IDK, it can be worked out). I just think it'd be really interesting to explore the Wizarding world in the early 20th century and also give Albus and Gellert a happy-ever-after at least for a while. PM or comment here if you want to chat.

Dec. 15th, 2011


Buffy game

Anyone out there still like Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel? I've been rewatching and I'd be really excited about starting a game set in the Buffy-verse, but I know that if it's going to work I'm going to need a co-mod or even two. I'm looking for people who love the Buffy-verse and could bring ideas and excitement to the project.

nothing set in stone, 'the spirit of Buffy', room to grow, more ideas )

If at all interested, please comment here and we can set up a way to talk :)

ETA: This is a long-term interest, btw, so if you're not available right now but you might be interested at some point in the future, I'd still be interested in talking to you. Or if you come across this some time in the future and are interested, don't hesitate to get in touch.


Looking for Co-Mod

Hi! I'm looking for someone who'd like to co-mod a Harry Potter Next-Gen RPG. The premise is someone (or a group of someones) has a grudge against the Wizarding world, and is using the kids of the trio-gen to get their revenge. I need someone to help with keeping the docs updated & running the plot. I have very vague ideas right now, and would love someone to bounce more ideas off of. I've started advertising already, and would like to start the game on New Years, but it can always be pushed back a couple weeks or so. I have everything (mostly) set up at [info]paybackmods, and I can be reached at or by replying to this post. :)

Dec. 12th, 2011


IC Drama

This might be a weird question, but what do other people do when in character threads are becoming too filled with drama (sometimes bordering on crack) and veering away from the premise of the game? (Keeping in mind that the game in question is 1.) Glee-based, so a certain level of OTT stuff is expected and 2.) an AU where the characters have super powers) But there are a few story lines going on currently that just don't fit the overall tone of the game I want to present. I don't want to be SUPER CONTROLLY MOD, but I want to encourage more overall character development and less focus on angst smutty shipping lines.

So, are there any suggestions? (I've got a few game-wide plots planned, and we do random threads every now and then to get people interacting with character they normally might not.)

Sep. 12th, 2011

[info]mattstone please?

Okay, first time mod here.

I have no clue what I'm doing for one and also I sort of don't know how to develop a stable game plot. I've come up with this weird Next to Normal based pan-fandom thing and now...I have no idea how to put it onto paper...erm...word document? I just. I need a co-mod or something? A mentor? Anyone? Some broadway knowledge preferable.

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