September 15th, 2016

[info]eckcooties in [info]modcooperative

RPO game interest?

Heya! Out of curiosity I was wondering if people here would be in the market for a game based on the world built by Ernest Cline in "Ready Player One"...?

I've got some ideas for a PB/OC game that would really just be borrowing the world structures and maybe some worldly canon backstory. No canon characters would be playable for the most part.

Since the online Ready Player One wiki isnt even up to date/accurate I'd pretty much be doing a lot of the world breakdown from scratch. theory people probably wouldnt even have to of read the book to be able to play. But, I want to gauge interest before engaging in the time suck of building it all out.

This might even be a better question to ask in a year after the Spielberg adaption comes out. But I figured I'd put out the feelers now and go from there! Thanks in advance!