June 16th, 2011

[info]andtomorrow in [info]modcooperative

After lots of thought and the fact that I can't find an open game that provides what I'm looking for, I've decided to just bite the bullet and do it myself. What I'll be working to create is a post DH non epilogue compliant game, but not one set nearly as far out in the future as most post DH games I've found recently go- it'll be two years past at maximum, and things won't have nearly settled down. The backbone concept is all I really have going for me right about now, but one thing I do know is that I'll need someone else helping me out- there's no way I can pull a whole community on my own, particularly with the crazy schedule I have at work.

If anyone would be interested in co-modding a fairly basic game, one that will ~hopefully offer flexibility in activity but some hefty quality in writing, drop me a comment here or shoot an email to hearpianofall@gmail.com. I'd *love to hear back from anyone who's interested in helping!