April 23rd, 2011

[info]maskerademod in [info]modcooperative

I need an adult!

But not really. I just need a co-mod or at least someone to help me with upkeep. (Co-mod would be preferred.) The game I'm working on getting set up is a panfandom essences game, in that you're not a direct take of a fictional character but a humanized (and powered up) version of them. (This is all going in the FAQ when I write it if, in my overcaffeinated state, I'm not making sense.) The game centers around what the Fictionals do with their powers and what their impact is on the completely human world they live in.

Again. If confusion ensues, it will all be explained. I swear.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in helping me out with this- or know someone who would be interested- please please please hit me up. You can find me at heartofhush1313@gmail.com if you're intrigued and I'd love love love to hear back.