February 13th, 2010

[info]palingenesia in [info]modcooperative

Jesse Turner was an average eight years old boy. Well, except, you know, the technical bit where he's the son of perdition, the Antichrist, the bringer of the end. But see here, the thing of it was, he didn't want the world to end. In fact, he doth firmly protest against the apocalypse, the cataclysm, the ekpyrosis, the great big armageddon, or whatever it was called in your corner of the world. So, you know, being your typical half-human half-demon entity of unfathomable power, he decided at a pivotal moment in the final battle between Heaven and Hell that he had had enough. He just wanted things to go back to a simpler time, when the proverbial crap hadn't hit the fan.

...All the way back to the ages when princesses needed rescuing, damsels needed saving, dragons needed slaying and witches needed burning.


This would be a Supernatural group PSL, pulling in a mishmash of elements from medieval, the old west and whatever else little boys like to pretend play. Both canon and original characters would definitively be welcome, but in the case of the former, they would have to be reconstituted to fit Jesse's imaginary world.

Tell us what you want! Premades, yes or no? Mishmash of settings or stick to one (e.g. strictly medieval or strictly wild west, whatever)? Y/N to angels and demons? Something else you had in mind? We could also use one or two additional co-administrators to bounce ideas off of. :D