January 18th, 2010

[info]summonmealex in [info]modcooperative

Gay Superheroes

This LJ-based slash-friendly superhero RPG was originally created for me and a few of my friends. Unfortunately and, most annoyingly, said friends decided they didn't want to play about a week in. Combine that with the loss of our original mod and the game fell into a state of abandoned disrepair before it ever really got started up. Months and months later, those damn dirty friends of mine decided that they wanted to try again, and so despite having never modded a damn thing before I took up the modly duties, revamped the game completely, and re-launched it... only to have the players all jump ship yet again.

So here I am, even more months later, poking around for some sort of help. While still unfinished in a few sections, I spent a whole helluva lot of time putting the game together and to see it just stagnate as it is now is heartbreaking. I'd really like to find a co-mod ( or, hell, maybe even a replacement mod ) who would be interested in doing something with this game.

That, or I just need someone to tell me to let it go. There's always the possibility that the game is shitty and unsalvageable, and that I am just too blind to see it. I joined IJ just to come and beg for guidance, so. Guys. Help, please?