December 21st, 2009

[info]goutlesang in [info]modcooperative

Normally, I wouldn't post onto something like this, but I would really like to see this become a success, so here goes.

I saw advertisements for this movie, Daybreakers, with virtually the same premise as this game I made sometime in '08. It's a world where vampires are the majority, and humans are the very small minority. Humans are farmed like cattle for their blood, kept alive, and people can basically buy blood to eat, however expensive it may be. There are, however, a few groups of humans left in the wild (namely South America, and upwards into the tundra regions) -- thus the birth of Operation Extract, a group who takes on missions to achieve whatever quantity of humans they can, to continue the blood flow for the vampires at home.

There was also some HP undertones mixed in as well. There was a "blood hierarchy" if you will, betweens lineage vampires (those born from vampires) and tainted/sired vampires. Lineage vampires make up the minority, but are ALL in places of power, and given special privileges (such as owning humans as slaves), and birthing children. Essentially, all vampires can birth children, but it depends on the quantity of blood they receive that keeps the body functioning relatively normal, thus paving the way to conceive children. Vampires haven't been able to do that since they've taken over, so all lineaged vampires are relatively older in recorded years, but not necessarily appearance. I originally wanted to just play out this rebellious nature of sired vampires vs. lineaged, and perhaps include those involved within the operation on the side, and focus on the next step in the predatory chain -- some sort of hybridized form of the two, but I wouldn't mind changing the focus around, should there be enough interest in someone who likes vampires, etc.

Initially we had strong interest in the game, but a few anonymous comments sort of started up some drama (over the lineage vampires last names, and ethnic-specific origins, of all things) sort of popped my desire to continue it further, as I'm particularly drama free, and I didn't expect aspects like using a feminine/masculine form in a last name was such an issue, as both were registered within the US consensus bureau, but anyways!

I think it would be a lot more fun to keep the lineaged/sired issues as sort of the background meat and potatoes, and sort of grow on the concept of Operation Extract, and perhaps actually make a squad/group that works for scouting humans, and maybe does more.. guard/foreign affairs...?

I don't know, but feedback, and a co-mod would be pretty peachy keen.