November 4th, 2009

[info]the_body in [info]modcooperative

A True Mystery Game

This is the mod journal for [info]rp_clue, a game centering around the board game Clue (or Cluedo, in Europe!). It includes full set up for the game, and would come with all of the character journals. A few months ago I tried unsuccessfully to get this game to start; we had applications, we cast people, we settled on a killer and all the details, I made one post as The Body, and then absolutely no one posted a single thing.

I'm really bummed, because I - not to sound snobby - and several other people thought this game had awesome potential. The way that it's organized, it doesn't necessarily have room for a moderating team, so I'm not looking for a co-mod. If there is anyone who has experience moderating other games and would like to give this one a try, I would very much like to hand over the reins; especially if it means a chance to apply to play myself. If you're interested, give me a poke - if you PM please comment too so I know to check this journal - and I'll send over the passwords and whatnot.
