September 22nd, 2009

[info]elfangor in [info]modcooperative

Getting the game moving again

So I have a game that's been up since late June. It has been fairly active up until a few weeks ago. A few members dropped due to time constraints, and the current members all seem to be busy with life and school and the likes. (And I am as well, so I understand the feeling.)

And so the game has come to a stall. Nobody is doing much, but when asked, many members say they're still interested. Just... either they don't have the time or they've already exhausted the list of things they could do. And for some reason, applications have come to a stall as well.

I was wondering if you guys had any ideas for getting the game moving again. We've tried pushing a mod-plot, sending out some rumors... it hasn't worked thus far. Anyone have any ways of getting players motivated to pay again?

[info]adewitt in [info]modcooperative

Let's accept it- Joss Whedon is the second coming of Christ for a lot of us here on IJ.

If you're nodding your head 'yes' than I rather think that you should respond to this ad ad say that you want to help me co-mod a panfandom game that allows any Whedon charachter- Buffy, Firefly, Dollhouse, Dr. Horrible, et cetera. I'm thinking they would be played as being people who live in New York, with new lives beginning after their shows/stories/the last season ended.

Clearly, I need ideas. And help. I can HTML and photoshop with the best of them, but I'm a little too frank and brusque to deal with OOC issues without someone to um...edit my thoughts shall we say? The only catch is that I'm no negotiable on playing Adelle here.