August 7th, 2009

[info]charmmykitty in [info]modcooperative

is anyone interested in a push fandom rpg? (:

Okay so has anyone watched the movie Push? I want to create a game based off of that movie. Would anyone be interested in signing up because I'm not sure if people would be interested. If I get enough feedback, I'll make the game!

[info]jay_sherman in [info]modcooperative

RP Review Comm

I have noticed a lack of critical review comms on IJ. I know once upon a time there was The Critic, but it seems that has ended. What I would really like to do is set up an unbiased review of games based on content, concept, layout and writing quality. Somewhere that RPers who are sick of wading through advertising comms can come and get a good review and summary of a game.

Any takers? I have one strict criteria for co-mods.

No one outside of the other critiquers/co-mods can know your identities. This is to ensure there are no complaints of bias.

I am especially looking for someone who knows Twilight, Marvel and Celeb RPs and depending on if this idea takes off, I might need an additional Harry Potter or PanFandom person.