July 12th, 2009

[info]ragnarokr in [info]modcooperative


Hopefully this is tolerable. I'm still looking for a co-mod for this game, [info]ragnarokr. I got a few replies from people, but they're either hardly on, or have flaked in general.

Ragnarokr is a game based on the concept of the final battle in norse mythology. Generally speaking, the immortal deity Loki managed to convince the other gods into traveling onto Earth; giving him the chance to destroy the bridge from asgard, their homeland to our world. Generally, the mod should be interested in playing Loki. I'm also looking for someone to help rewrite the plot, or maybe shed some new light onto it, as the more rewrites I do, the less informative it becomes, and that's an issue. ;p

Any two or three bodies interested in something like this?

[info]hah_mods in [info]modcooperative

Hogwarts: A History (Founders-Era)

I'm perpetually taken aback by how many HP games are out there rehashing the same concept over and over again, and in nearly a decade's time, no one has ever thought to create a founders era game (or more likely, I plain woefully missed them all). You can see where this is leading up to: I'd love to start one up, but I'm not a historian by any measure (though I do try and do my research to the best of my abilities) and I'm not nearly confident in my writing abilities. I'm a decent role player and all, but what I have in mind for the game is a little more 'epic' and overwhelming for me to handle on my own. I think I have pretty much all the graphic/css stuff down pat, so I'm really looking for one or more co-moderators to collaborate in writing and running the logistics of the game.

Essentially, what I have in mind is to begin just shortly before or around the time the wizarding community splits from the muggles and Hogwarts is subsequently founded to ensure the survival and preservation of esoteric (i.e. magical) knowledge. Up until this point, magical beings have co-existed alongside mankind (or is that mugglekind?), even to the point of being accepted and welcomed by the Royal Court. However, something will happen in-game that causes significant rift between the magical and the non-magical, leading up to the big fallout. But as it stands, magic has yet to die out and/or vanish, meaning that magical creatures more or less freely roam the earth. Think LotR, ASoIaF, Merlin, The Last Unicorn...basically the traditional fantasy/high-fantasy with a Harry Potter (the series, not the boy) twist. It would have to be somewhere around the 10th - 11th century, likely around the rule of Æthelred II or Edmund II, and almost definitely before the Norman Conquest.

I'm sure to have forgotten something, but if anyone at all is interested in running such a game (or even if you're only interested as a player, so I can get a good idea of whether the concept has merit), please let me know. Thanks for reading!