July 5th, 2009

[info]callirhoe in [info]modcooperative

So I've been bit by a bug that won't go away, and would much like to be involved in a game based on Naomi Novik's Temeraire series. (I mean, the Napoleonic Wars with dragons -- what is not to love here?) Trouble is, it's not a hugely popular series yet, though if/when the movie comes out I suspect that will change. So I don't know whether there would be any interest whatsoever in such a game -- not to mention that the series isn't completed yet, so canon is still a bit shaky.

Because of the issues of not having a huge base and having only part of the series to go off, I was thinking the best idea might be to work out some sort of "prequel" game, something that allows for characters and plot to tie into canon, but also leaves room for those who maybe haven't read the books but are interested in the setting and would like to play, without needing to read the books to know what's going on. If I did this, I think it would be awesome to set it during the French Revolution, but I'm a big dork about the FR and so that could just be me. I'm still thinking about how best to work this.

To cut the rambling I'm wondering, first, whether there's anyone in this fine comm who'd be interested in such a game to begin with; and second, even if you're not interested, do you have any ideas for how to make a game that's based on a specific canon appealing and welcoming to players who aren't familiar with that canon? If that makes sense. :)