April 14th, 2009

[info]purplealert in [info]modcooperative

Seeking Co-Mods! :)

Hello! I have been working on a game for a little while now, over on livejournal. To sum it up briefly, Liberty City RPG (found here) is a multifandom game based off the setting (and also loosely the events) of Grand Theft Auto III. The game is pretty much ready to go, however, I still need co-mods. I am looking for someone (or someones) who would be interested in assisting me with keeping pages updated, reviewing applications, answering questions for players, and/or play NPCs. Also, even though I pretty much have everything ready, I wouldn't be opposed to going back and changing things as I really like brainstorming ideas with others. ;)

Anyway, if you're interested, there's more info here. And wow, do I wish I found this comm sooner. Haha.