March 23rd, 2009

[info]mythomania in [info]modcooperative


Okay so I've had this idea for a while and I want to make it a game but I don't know exactly how to word it right into a premise and to set it up. I've been a mod for HP games but not OC games.

Anywho the idea in a few words: Vampire war caused by the horrible government. Most vampires are killed by each other and the ones who survive go insane. They feed until daylight where the sun comes and destroys them, the human societies find out and start terminating vampires. At one point, the government is convinced all the vampires are gone. The vampires go to the government of some of the more industrial nations(most countries in the Americas, Europe, Asia and countries in Oceania.) They convince the governments that with training vampires can live amongst humans. The RP can take place during the war, during the humans slaughtering the vampires or during the time that the vampires and humans are adjusting to living around each other. I'd prefer the last one though.

I'd really like a co-mod that could help me out. Anyone interested? Comment here or you can take a look at my journal for my contact info!