March 17th, 2009

[info]icedark_elf in [info]modcooperative

Possibly co-mod?

Well, since I came to this com for this reason, maybe I should post, hmm? *grins*

I've had a ton of ideas for rps. The main problem is I just suck at running them. I get busy, and rl kicks me in the head. I'm mostly looking for someone to help me mod things.

I prefer pan fandom games, especially ones that allow AU characters, and I have a variety of ideas. Everything ranging from sci-fi space rifts, to schools set during zombie apocalypses, to worlds where vampires and other supernaturals are real, and interdimensional gladiator battlegrounds.

If anyone is willing to possibly co-mod, and enjoy bouncing ideas back and forth, please, feel free to contact me here or on my AIM: foxd3mon.