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metemmods [userpic]
Happy Anniversary!

Well, Metem, congratulations! It's been three years today since we launched! And oh how far we've come since.

So, the good news. Despite the progressively worsening symptoms, the godlings will not die. Well. Most of them won't. Any dropped characters will be dead of their illnesses.

As for everyone else, when the sun rises on the Solstice (June 21), they will again be immortal for the day. Full powers and everything. And, when the sun rises the next day and they go back to being human, they'll have a permanent power boost.

What that boost entails is up to you. You can add an additional aspect to their powers (e.g. Triton will now be able to shift at will between his land and sea forms), or you can expand/heighten their current abilities.

But, I do ask that you let me know what the new powers are by the 21st! Either post them here, or else drop me a line some other way.

Looking forward to the new powers! ♥

metemmods [userpic]
Moving Foward

Welcome to June, my lovelies. This is a special announcement.

In a little less than two weeks, we will hit our 3-year anniversary! This is a milestone to take pride in.

Except... how many of us still take pride in our game? While I admit a large part of this is on me (and you all have my profound apologies on that), as well as real-life circumstances between all of us that we don't have much control over and have to be put first, as you all know, the game has been very quiet. Events are being all but ignored. Posts aren't getting the sells they deserve. My question to you all is, is it just dormant and waiting to be reawakened? Or is this the death knell for Metempsychosis?

This game has held my heart and soul for a long time, and it was my hope that it brought joy to you all as well, which is why saying all of this is difficult for me, but I can't deny it's all been on my mind for several weeks now. Truth is, this game can't all be me. It takes all of us to make it work. And yet, I hear a lot of things from different people that it's not a priority. That people just aren't "feeling it," or they forget about it. And that makes it hard for me to want to make it a priority.

So here is where all of you come in. I need your thoughts, your ideas, feelings, input. I need your help. Talk to me. What can we do to make this game vibrant again? What can I do on my end to put this game back in the forefronts of your minds, and what are you willing to do to make it happen? What do you want to see? What do you want removed, if anything?

Another possibility is that we change platforms. Maybe InsaneJournal just isn't the best place for us to be anymore. Many games are on Dreamwidth now, and we could certainly move there if, as a group, we feel it would be the best choice. It would take time and a lot of work to move everything over, but it can be done.

Or... is it time to say goodbye to our godlings and nextgens? I had plans for a happy ending to this event, but, I could just as easily change that ending and close it out on the Equinox. Or, if that's too sudden, I could extend the denouement and advance the endgame and close it out by September.

I'd rather not have to end the game already, and I have ideas that could go years down the line, but I need you to participate to make it happen. Two or three people does not a game make. So, I need you, all of you, to tell me what you want to do and where you want to go from here. Tell me the "what"s, but also the "why"s. Most of you know I don't usually do things without a reason for them.

And, as a final note here, silence on this matter is not golden. If I don't get feedback prior to our anniversary on the 13th, I will assume the game is abandoned, and I will close it out in three weeks on the 21st.

metemmods [userpic]
This Week's Symptoms

So, how's sickness treating you all? Poorly? Aww. Too bad. Because, you guessed it, it got worse. Again.

Now, again in addition to everything you've been suffering so far, you all get to experience the following:

-Migraines (and all the loveliness that goes with those)
-Swelling, mainly in the form of edema (fluid pooling in extremities) and gout (affecting the joints).
-Neuropathy from knees to toes and elbows to fingers.

Enjoy! ♥

metemmods [userpic]
This Week's Symptoms

Hello, godlings!

So, this last week, you've all been feeling a little under the weather. Aww. That's unfortunate. Well, guess what? It just got worse.

In addition to the general malaise, starting tomorrow, May 7th, you will also start experiencing some GI distress. Gas, vomiting, loose bowels, abdominal pains, all that fun stuff. And you're also going to start developing some neuropathy in your fingers and toes.

Try to take care of yourselves! Hint: if you think you can handle it, now would be an excellent time to drop by your epicenters. ♥

metemmods [userpic]
Extended Event upcoming!

Hello, lovelies.

Well, things should be picking up here again shortly as we get into May! Exciting things to happen! Of course, this weekend will mark the nuptials of Bes and Erato, and then, on the 30th, the next event begins!

We're going to do things a little bit differently, as this is going to be an extended event! It will develop little by little over the course of just shy of 8 weeks. Every week, we'll update you with what's coming up, to culminate in something awesome on Summer Solstice! I know, you're probably all soooooo excited, aren't you?

Well, this is your first update! Beginning on Wednesday, April 30th, all the godlings--yes, all of you--will start feeling a little under the weather. Just a general malaise. Nothing you couldn't power through, but a vague feeling of ickiness and fatigue. Is it allergies? Summer cold? Well, stay tuned to find out! Updates will be posted here.

metemmods [userpic]
Equinox Event is coming!

Hello lovelies!

OK, first off, you all have my profound apologies for being so quiet lately. Real life's been a bit overwhelming, so technically on slowaitus until things settle down a bit. But I will not abandon you! I will post what I can and keep plot moving!

Which leads us to... EVENT!

Going to have to use your brains for this one, godlings. Hope you all packed your thinking caps. On March 21st, you will be summoned to your respective epicenters. It's time to get to the next level! But, where you had to fight your way in using strength, now you must flex your mental muscles.

Upon arrival, each pantheon will be presented with a different puzzle. Solve this puzzle, and you get to enter the next part of the epicenter. Ash and I have been working to cook up some fun ones for you! And, no, we won't tell you what they are just yet. It'll be a surprise. If you can't solve them on your own, we will offer hints, so you won't be totally stuck.

As always, any questions, let us know!

Amanda Rose Keefe ღ Erato [userpic]

Hey, guys, I know it's been a quiet month so far, and a fair part of that has been me being really slow on responding. Work has been really taking a lot out of me with some of the projects we've been doing (I pulled a 15-hour workday on Monday that was almost pure physical labor), and I've just been way too exhausted to tag and set things up like I should have. I know I've got another big project at the end of this month, among others, so I am marking myself on a hiatus through the first week of October just in case I don't have it in me to pull a blitz (especially with the next mod reset being the 30th of the month). That's not to say I'm not going to TRY to post--I just want to be sure I'm covered under a worst-case scenario.

That said, I've already been speaking with Mod Paul, and I'm not going to let any of you be punished AC-wise just because I'm not able to cut it. I appreciate your understanding!

In the meantime, though, if you haven't yet participated in the most recent plotting meme, make sure you do so!

And we're still looking for a volunteer to be October's Player of the Month! Just comment below or contact a mod if you're interested in that! ♥

metemmods [userpic]
New Reference Page!

Hey guys! We have a new reference page up! This one is a catalog of everyone's Distinguishing Marks! Feel free to use it as needed, and if you see anything needing an update, do let me know!

metemmods [userpic]
Soft Close on Event 11

Hey guys! Hope you've enjoyed your stay in Faerie!

We're bringing Event 11 to a soft close so that the godlings can return to their regularly-scheduled lives. However, if you still have unfinished business in Faerie, you are all welcome to complete/backdate those threads at your leisure! None of the logs are being closed. You can still play out the event logs as needed.

This also allows for our new characters to enter the game officially! Puck is now one of you, and he'll need some help getting adjusted into mortal life. Also, Phonos and Ares, you'll find your posting permissions available under "Asylum Invitations" on the left-hand sidebar.

As always, if you have any questions, just let us know. ^_^

And, last month you got to see a little snapshot of your Lead Mod. This month, it's Mod Paul's turn!

Get To Know Your Admissions Mod! )

metemmods [userpic]
Activity "Check" and New Comm Announcement

First item of business: It's time for the activity check once again! However, since this month has been a crazy one for a lot of members, we are not enforcing the activity check for the month of April. In other words, if one of your characters did not make the required number of posts for April, it will not count against them. You may, of course, feel free to post your activity below as usual, as a reference for yourselves and for other players.

Secondly: We have created a new community for Metempsychosis: [info]metem_dressing!
This is a "dressing room" community that you can use to play out scenes between characters that might not fit in with the current canon. Also, this community is open to everyone-- you don't need to be a Metempsychosis member to join.
More details about the comm can be found at the FAQ; scroll down to the "Dressing Room Guidelines" section.

And, of course, feel free to ask your friendly neighborhood mods if you have any questions.

metemmods [userpic]
Event 10 is coming!

Well, with Event 9 "officially" wrapped up for the 21st, Event 10 is just around the corner! This one, however, will be a gloss-inducing event, so no lost time for anyone who might have plans that'll otherwise be interrupted. ^_^

Guess what, godlings? You're going back to L'Hôtel Jeu Ancien for this event! Please be aware, godlings, this is NOT the same place as the mansion. For the newer folks who haven't yet had the pleasure, L'Hôtel Jeu Ancien seems much like any other hotel. It has many of the usual amenities, including a ballroom, a bar/dining area, an indoor pool, fully stocked wardrobes/closets in every room, a concierge/bellhop by the name of Nigel, and the like.

It is unique in that the rooms become more luxurious as you go up in floors. The first-floor rooms are very basic, while those on the top floor are palatial suites. Also, much like a certain famed hotel, you can't leave the premises--trying to exit the lobby door will just result in you walking right back inside until everyone has achieved the objective. But we're adding a twist to that! For this event, you can't even leave your ROOMS until you've accomplished the goal. Sort of like a twisted combination of "Hotel California" and Jean-Paul Sartre's "No Exit." Fear not--Nigel will be bringing you regular meals, so you won't starve or anything.

Furthermore, previously, rooms were assigned individually by rank, with the higher-level gods on the top floors, and the mortals and such on the first floor, with the others falling in various places in between. Well, this time, you will all have at least one roommate to share with, and the rooms will be assigned according to the highest-ranked roommate. Further information about the exact room assignments will be forthcoming in a few days, but suffice it to say, you'll need to learn to work closely together. The NextGens will also be around--they'll be under Nigel's care and will be just fine, don't worry.

So, how will this work? On May 1st, all the godlings will awaken in their assigned rooms in whatever state they fell asleep in the night before. As mentioned, they will be able to use the wardrobes/closets to dress as they feel is appropriate. And, while they WILL be able to leave their rooms once they've satisfied the objectives (and information will soon be forthcoming on that), they will NOT be able to enter the rooms of anyone else who has NOT YET completed the task--they CAN, however, enter the empty rooms of the hotel and those of anyone else who's been freed from the room lockdown as they like.

Any questions? Just let us know! We'll be updating you soon with the room assignments and further details, so keep watching!

metemmods [userpic]
New Reference Page!

Well, in the almost-two-years since Metem began, the godlings sure have been collecting lots of interesting items! So much so that it's easy to forget who has what.

Fret no longer, godlings! We now have an Artifacts and Objects page! It catalogs all the special and magical items they've gathered, and you can see who owns them and what they can do. One-shot and non-magical items are not included on the list. You can access this database from the Reference page.

Meanwhile, if you notice anything I've missed, do let me know!

metemmods [userpic]
Activity Results, Announcements and Plotting Post

OK, and the check deadline is passed!

The following characters have been moved to Standby either due to lack of sufficient activity and/or by failing to report their activity:

King Arthur Pendragon

The following characters are being removed from the game due to an unexcused lack of participation for the second tracked month in a row:


SIGYN is currently being involved in special plot circumstances, and so is being temporarily removed from play, just for a couple of days. She's still very much a part of the game. Fellow Norse castmates are free to treat her as "missing" for the time being, though.

Next, we have a special announcement!

With (former) Mod Ren now officially removed from the game, Mod Paul and I have unanimously elected to add a new mod to the leadership panel: our very own ASH!

Ash will be assisting me with plot direction, and will be in charge of rule enforcement. So, if you get a message from Ash telling you to do something, yes, you need to do as she says. ^_^ She will also be taking over advertisement distribution and keeping the Past Days records current. Please join us in congratulating her!

As for Mod Paul, he remains in charge of Admissions, and will be taking over all Activity duties from here on out. So, basically, if you have ANY questions about applications, current status, or anything related to activity, he's your go-to guy.

And me, well, I remain lead mod and in charge of Everything Else: plot direction, player outreach, organization, graphic design, etc. As always, if anyone needs ANYTHING that either Paul or Ash can't help with, or if you'd just feel more comfortable talking to me, you're always welcome to contact me anytime via phone, text, email, IM, PM, whatever. ^_^

And now back to business as usual! Time for the plotting post! And the rules, once again:

-Post a comment with the names of your character(s), and what sorts of things you might be interested in doing with them. Feel free to be as general or specific as you like, mention any rating/content limits you might have, etc.
-Other players then comment with plot ideas to play out with you and get the idea mill churning.
-Characters on Standby automatically get first priority.

Any questions? Let us know!

metemmods [userpic]

Halloween is just around the corner, godlings. And the Maison won't be left out.

On Halloween, the godlings will find the Maison suddenly redecorated to resemble a haunted house. Lights won't seem to work properly--they'll give poor, flickering light at best. Several non-electrical lamps will be available, though, for their use. And, of course, beds, doors, floorboards and stairs will seem a lot creakier than usual.

The various closets/armoires/dressers, as usual, will continue to provide clothing unique to the individual who opens them. However, for Halloween, they will only provide a selection of clothing from the eras and stations of their previous lives, not their current one, and they may choose which lifetime era to dress from. The more prior lives they've had, the more options will be available to them. If this is their only reincarnation, the only clothes available will be from their original lives. Anyone trying to avoid this by not changing clothes will find whatever they're wearing morphed into clothing from their original life, just as on Spring Equinox. "Normal" clothing will reappear on November 1st, but the period outfits will continue to be available until the end of the event.

Any questions? Feel free to ask!

metemmods [userpic]
Preparing for those bundles of joy!

Well, expecting moms and dads, there's one less thing to worry about: shopping for most of your baby stuff! That's right, Gaea is hosting a baby shower for everyone!

There will be invitations scattered throughout the house (one in each room of the Master Suite, one in the dinette, one in the formal dining room, and one posted on the ballroom door) that invite all the soon-to-be parents to go to the ballroom on the 21st. Of course, anyone who wants to show up can do so, even if they aren't about to become a parent.

Inside the ballroom, there will be seven piles of gifts, each one addressed to one of the moms-to-be. Nothing to say who the giver is, though. The gifts will include necessities like diapers, layettes, nursing equipment, kids' furniture, clothing, toys, dishes, car seats, childproofing items, etc. for each expected child. Interestingly, there may not seem to be a large quantity of "baby" items, and the stuff will be able to accommodate kids up to about the size of kindergartners. Color and style themes will be different for each child, e.g. items in burgundies and oceanic tones for Dite's twins, bold reds and blacks for Apollo and Mel's twins, traditional baby blues and golds for Erato's son, etc (whatever you feel fits the style for the soon-to-be arriving children).

In the meantime, remember that the births are only about two months away! So, if you haven't already, make sure you're deciding on names, PBs, powers and custody for the next-gens!

Any questions? Just ask. ^_^

metemmods [userpic]
June Activity!

Okay, guys, my apologies in being a little late with this--the first part of July is always a bit of a scramble for me--but with the exception of Eros (who has been moved to Standby), everyone passed check for the month, so awesome job on that. ^_^

Assuming nothing unexpected crops up, normal activity will be expected for the month of July, but, as always, if you're in need of a hiatus or slowiatus due to extenuating circumstances, just let me know, and we'll work something out for you and your characters.

Anyway, plot will be moving forward again in a few days (be watching for a special posting on the 13th!). In order to keep the momentum going, I want to let you all know NOW that I'd like us to complete the Stage 2 parts BEFORE the Fall Equinox in September, because I have something special planned for that as well. So, the sooner we can all complete Stage 2 (and details will be forthcoming on that here soon) the better. I promise, it should be worthwhile. ^_^

metemmods [userpic]
April Activity

OK! Sorry this is a touch late in coming, but I am pleased to say that everyone passed the April activity check! Barring any unusual circumstances, everyone will be expected to have normal activity for the month of May. As always, if you have any concerns about not being able to make quota, let me know and we'll see what we can work out.

Also, as a reminder, don't forget to tag your posts! This is how I determine your activity levels. Yes, we mods CAN do it for you, but we'd rather you did it yourselves and saved us a few clicks, ok?

Meanwhile, our first yearly anniversary is just a few weeks away, and we should do something to celebrate! If you have any ideas or suggestions for how to mark the occasion, or things you'd like to see in our second year, comment below! ♥

metemmods [userpic]
April Showers Bring May Flowers!

First off, I would like to give a great big round of congratulations to our dear player Ash regarding her wedding over the weekend. ♥

Secondly, Beltane is upon you, godlings! And that means more Weird Stuff Happening. Fear not, it's nothing especially sinister this time. On May 1st, everyone will be receiving an anonymous bouquet delivered to their doorstep. Or, whichever doorstep they happen to be visiting at the time. Each bouquet will be marked saying who it's for, but nothing to indicate who sent it. Here is the list of who gets what:

The Beltane Bouquets )

As you can probably guess, these aren't just any ordinary bouquets. They're actually messages to the godlings. So what do they mean? Sorry--THAT you'll have to figure out yourselves. Feel free to bug Persephone ICly about it. ^_^

But, I'm not going to leave you completely high and dry. Here are a few sites to look through to give you some ideas:

Language of Flowers Wiki
More on The Language of Flowers

Have fun, godlings. ^_^

metemmods [userpic]
New Reference Pages!

I've expanded our offerings of reference material!

We now have two additional reference pages: The Yellow Pages, which organizes all of the PCs by their occupations, and also the Need a Translator? page, which cross-references who knows which languages, and their fluency levels.

If I have missed or misrepresented anything on either of these lists, please let me know right away so I can correct them!

These can both be located under the Reference area, if you need to use them.

metemmods [userpic]
Moratorium Update

Well, Metem, there has been some discussion among the mods on the subject of our Greek moratorium.

It was intended to be a short-term block to help balance out the pantheons, but seeing as it has been in place for seven months now without significant progress in a while, clearly it's not working the way we had hoped, and something needs to be done so that it doesn't hurt our growth and discourage new players from joining us.

Originally, we had specified that each pantheon needed to have a minimum number of members before the moratorium could be lifted. However, instead of forcing an arbitrary headcount, we would like to change it to a matter of percentages. This should allow a little more flexibility for which pantheons people would like to play, since obviously some are more popular than others. Of course, we are still encouraging players to app for lesser-represented pantheons! Hindus and JCs need love!

So, from this point on, the rule of thumb will be that no single pantheon can comprise more than 60% of the the total cast (not counting NPCs). Does that sound reasonable to everyone?

For the record, as it stands currently (rounded to the nearest percentile), the Celtic pantheon makes up 12% of the cast, the Egyptian pantheon makes up 12%, the Greek pantheon makes up 50%, the Hindu pantheon makes up 3%, the Judeo-Christian pantheon makes up 8% of the cast, and the Norse pantheon makes up 15% of the cast.

For those of you who have inquired about expanding the number of pantheons beyond the six we currently have, we have not forgotten your interest. However, we would still like to see a more even population spread before offering more choices on that front to keep the number of "micro-pantheons" to a minimum. At this point in time, we will revisit the possibility of opening up additional pantheons once the least-represented pantheon makes up at least 10% of the total cast.

Any questions? Comment below!

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