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metemmods [userpic]
Solstice announcements!

Welcome to Solstice, everyone! All the godlings for 24 hours are back to their immortal selves! Use the time well. ♥

And announcements! We have lots of them!

News Under Here! )

If anyone has any questions or concerns, please let us know!

metemmods [userpic]
Happy Anniversary!

Well, Metem, congratulations! It's been three years today since we launched! And oh how far we've come since.

So, the good news. Despite the progressively worsening symptoms, the godlings will not die. Well. Most of them won't. Any dropped characters will be dead of their illnesses.

As for everyone else, when the sun rises on the Solstice (June 21), they will again be immortal for the day. Full powers and everything. And, when the sun rises the next day and they go back to being human, they'll have a permanent power boost.

What that boost entails is up to you. You can add an additional aspect to their powers (e.g. Triton will now be able to shift at will between his land and sea forms), or you can expand/heighten their current abilities.

But, I do ask that you let me know what the new powers are by the 21st! Either post them here, or else drop me a line some other way.

Looking forward to the new powers! ♥

metemmods [userpic]
This Week's Symptoms!

Hello, lovelies. Still not done with the suffering!

This week? The neuropathy is now everywhere. No escape. Everything hurts. Also, you get to experience dangerously high fevers this week! 103, 104, higher yet!

Also, as a reminder, you have through Friday this week to respond on where you'd like to go from here. I need to hear back from at least 5 people or I'll have to assume the game is abandoned. I can move forward with a minimum of six players, but I need to know I have at least five besides myself willing to do this. So, y'know, encourage your fellow players to respond. It's important if you want to keep playing. Those of you who already have replied, I very much appreciate and value your feedback.

If for any reason you're unable or unwilling to post your thoughts there, you are welcome to message me privately through whatever method you prefer most. My info is all on the Contact Page. At this time, I'm not weighing in on any suggestions just yet, if only so it doesn't look like I'm favoring or disfavoring any one idea over another. But, once I have the feedback in, it will be reviewed carefully and I will keep you all posted on any decisions made.

Let me know if you have any questions!

metemmods [userpic]
This Week's Symptoms!

Oh, what, you thought the event wouldn't progress? No, no, it's still on!

So, again, in addition to everything else, here is what you're all suffering with now:

Bleeding. Yup, both externally (cuts that don't heal, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, etc.) and internally (bruising). Neuropathy now covers everything from the waist down as well as the arms and upper chest.

Enjoy! ♥

metemmods [userpic]
This Week's Symptoms

Oh, sweet godlings! Better get a move on, because symptoms just keep getting worse!

This week? In addition to everything else, you now also get to experience the following:

Fluid in lungs/coughing/shortness of breath/coughing up gunk/stuffy and runny noses as well as neuropathy up to the shoulders and hips.

metemmods [userpic]
This Week's Symptoms

So, how's sickness treating you all? Poorly? Aww. Too bad. Because, you guessed it, it got worse. Again.

Now, again in addition to everything you've been suffering so far, you all get to experience the following:

-Migraines (and all the loveliness that goes with those)
-Swelling, mainly in the form of edema (fluid pooling in extremities) and gout (affecting the joints).
-Neuropathy from knees to toes and elbows to fingers.

Enjoy! ♥

metemmods [userpic]
This Week's Symptoms

Hello, godlings!

So, this last week, you've all been feeling a little under the weather. Aww. That's unfortunate. Well, guess what? It just got worse.

In addition to the general malaise, starting tomorrow, May 7th, you will also start experiencing some GI distress. Gas, vomiting, loose bowels, abdominal pains, all that fun stuff. And you're also going to start developing some neuropathy in your fingers and toes.

Try to take care of yourselves! Hint: if you think you can handle it, now would be an excellent time to drop by your epicenters. ♥

metemmods [userpic]
Extended Event upcoming!

Hello, lovelies.

Well, things should be picking up here again shortly as we get into May! Exciting things to happen! Of course, this weekend will mark the nuptials of Bes and Erato, and then, on the 30th, the next event begins!

We're going to do things a little bit differently, as this is going to be an extended event! It will develop little by little over the course of just shy of 8 weeks. Every week, we'll update you with what's coming up, to culminate in something awesome on Summer Solstice! I know, you're probably all soooooo excited, aren't you?

Well, this is your first update! Beginning on Wednesday, April 30th, all the godlings--yes, all of you--will start feeling a little under the weather. Just a general malaise. Nothing you couldn't power through, but a vague feeling of ickiness and fatigue. Is it allergies? Summer cold? Well, stay tuned to find out! Updates will be posted here.

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