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July 2014
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metemmods [userpic]
Soft Close on Event 11

Hey guys! Hope you've enjoyed your stay in Faerie!

We're bringing Event 11 to a soft close so that the godlings can return to their regularly-scheduled lives. However, if you still have unfinished business in Faerie, you are all welcome to complete/backdate those threads at your leisure! None of the logs are being closed. You can still play out the event logs as needed.

This also allows for our new characters to enter the game officially! Puck is now one of you, and he'll need some help getting adjusted into mortal life. Also, Phonos and Ares, you'll find your posting permissions available under "Asylum Invitations" on the left-hand sidebar.

As always, if you have any questions, just let us know. ^_^

And, last month you got to see a little snapshot of your Lead Mod. This month, it's Mod Paul's turn!

Get To Know Your Admissions Mod! )


Greetings, everyone. I'm Paul, the Applications Mod. You can reach me directly via email at pward_74 (at) yahoo (dot) com, or via AIM as MrEvilena1.

I also play the charming fellow here, Dionysus ([info]acratophorus), as well as Apollo ([info]aegletes).

I'm up for pretty much anything in-game, so feel free to bounce any potential plots off me.

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