December 2010




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Dec. 20th, 2010


Characters: Angelina & George.
Setting: 20 December 1998, George’s flat.
Ratings: EH. Depends.
Summary: Angelina has to tell George something. Time of day has no importance.

if that meant she had to wake him up to do so, then so be it. )

Dec. 9th, 2010


Characters: Angelina & Katie
Setting: 8 December 1998 in their flat.
Ratings: EH. Depends.
Summary: Because Angelina's been having the greatest day ever, you know.

she just had to be patient and stay right where she was. )

Nov. 8th, 2010


Characters: Tracey Davis & Angelina Johnson
Setting: Monday after work gets out
Rating: GP
Summary: Well, Tracey's heard that rumor about Angelina and has to know if it's true or not.

Maybe she was projecting it or it was because of what Fang was on about - the latest being that Angelina Johnson not only had a Weasley, but a whole harem of women in her bed. )

Oct. 31st, 2010


Who: Patrons of the Lucky Leprechaun
Setting: The Lucky Leprechaun, Cork, Ireland / October 31st, Hallow's Eve night!
What: It's a pub. And you can't get in without a costume. Drinking and awesomeness ensue.

Discuss )

Oct. 24th, 2010


Characters: Angelina + those invited to hang out with her on her birthday.
Setting: Oct. 24th evening -- Leaky Cauldron to start, probably elsewhere after.
Summary: Angelina is 21. Let us celebrate. Drunken actions may follow.


Oct. 23rd, 2010


Characters: D.A./Everyone who was invited/showed up to the Bouncy Castle Camping.
Setting: Irish Countryside -- away from Muggle eyes! | Friday, Oct 23
Summary: Theres a rented Bouncy Castle, it's been modified with expanding charms, obviously.

OOC Discussions inside! )

Sep. 12th, 2010


Who: Ryan Stebbins & Angelina Johnson
What: Two friends walk into a pub...
Where: The Leaky | Sunday, early evening
Rating: PG?

It was unusual for him to be sitting alone - )

Sep. 10th, 2010


Who: Angelina + George
What: Angelina decides to drop by to... not talk, and finds something.
Where: WWW!
When: Friday afternoonish?!
Status: in progress
Rating: PG-13ish? Maybe?

her curiosity got the better of her. )

Aug. 23rd, 2010


Characters: Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson.
Setting: Their flat after the Diane Fang hour.
Ratings: PG-13/Possibly R for language.
Summary: Diane Fang has gone on about Angelina and George and Katie wants to question Angelina about it.

... )

Aug. 14th, 2010


Characters: Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell and OPEN
Setting: SATURDAY @ Katie & Angelina's Flat
Rating: TBD
Summary: FOR THOSE WHO EITHER DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO THREAD, OR WOULD PREFER TO TALK OUT WHAT HAPPENED. Feel free to start your own scenes if necessary.


Jul. 25th, 2010


Characters: The trio + invited DA members. Feel free to respond either IC or OOC with what your character would have said during the meeting, as well as how they reacted to the things other people brought up. (NOTE: If you want your character to be involved, you can still comment on Harry's post and I will include them in the tags etc.)
Setting: 12 Grimmauld Place; noon on the 25th.
Rating: PG?
Summary: Dumbledore's Army discusses recent events and tries to figure out where to go from here.

I propose we strike back. )

Jul. 3rd, 2010


Characters: Oliver and Paisley Wood and Angelina Johnson
Setting: July 3rd / 1998, Diagon Alley
Ratings: PGish?
Summary: Oliver's hobbling around doing some shopping, his daughter in tow.

Oliver walked with his daughter, hand in hand down the way. )

Jul. 2nd, 2010


Characters: Angelina & George
Setting: 1 July 1998 (Thursday) @ George's flat.
Ratings: TBD?
Summary: First contact since the morning after.

if she hadn't decided to do this now and went with it, she wouldn't have done it at all. )

Jun. 26th, 2010


who: Angie and Lee
what: Lee needs to tell Angie about something he needs to go do.
where: Diagon Alley, the as of yet unnamed cafe next to Fortescue's.
when: Yesterdayish.
rating: PG?

now i see it so bright )

Jun. 16th, 2010


Characters: Dean and Angelina
Setting: Thursday evening
Ratings: PG
Summary: bonding with booze

There was nothing quite like a pint after a long day )

Jun. 15th, 2010


Characters: Angelina & George
Setting: Friday, 11 June 1998
Ratings: R
Summary: The morning after a celebration in honor of Dennis that proceeds drunken sex, things get a bit awkward.

Hangovers sucked. It was perhaps the most absolute truth in the whole wide universe. )

Jun. 11th, 2010


Characters: Angelina, George and Dennis!
Setting: Thursday 10 June 1998
Ratings: Let's say R for language, and stuff.
Summary: Angelina has decided that what Dennis needs is a good drinking binge and enlisted George's help/company in doing so.

The purpose for this, at least in Angelina's mind, was fairly simple. )

May. 31st, 2010


Characters: Angelina J. & Madoc C.
Setting: Friday night (the 28th) @ the Leaky.
Ratings: PG-13 to start. Might change.
Summary: Having a drink!

Angelina was of two minds. )

May. 11th, 2010


Characters: Angelina + Katie
Setting: 11 May, Angelina's flat.
Ratings: PG-13, I think.
Summary: Angelina's 'enjoying' the silence; Katie stops by.

Angelina had considered at least once every single day since the war ended the idea of moving out. )

May. 6th, 2010


Characters: Angelina + George
Setting: 6 May, Alicia's funeral.
Ratings: PG-13.
Summary: Just after the funeral's ended.

Because this was it, wasn't it? )

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