December 2010




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Nov. 29th, 2010


Characters: Jason Samuels and Open.
Setting: Ancient Runes corridor.
Rating: TBC.
Summary: Jason is deep in thought after class, but something (or should that be someone?) distracts him.

He was really stumped, as Muggles might say, by this one. )

Oct. 28th, 2010


Characters: Hermione Granger & Jason Samuels
Setting: Hogwarts, late Thursday night
Rating: GP
Summary: Hermione is out late and Jason is on patrol.

So, that left her to wonder the corridors, taking in the parts of the castle that had been repaired and the ones that were still under construction. It felt unreal. )

Oct. 7th, 2010


Characters: Jason Samuels and Pace Spinks.
Setting: The Great Hall, after the mail has been delivered.
Rating: PG, presumably!
Summary: Jason receives an important piece of news.

Jason raised his eyebrows in surprise. )

Sep. 16th, 2010


Who: Melinda Bobbin and Jason Samuels
What: Melinda’s out by the lake, Jason's visiting
When: Wednesday evening ?
Status: Closed
Rating: PG +

Being with a prefect did allow one the right to miss curfew, didn't it? )

Sep. 2nd, 2010


Characters: Jason Samuels and OPEN.
Setting: The Great Hall, breakfast time on the second day of classes.
Rating: Let's call it PG-13 to be on the safe side for now, this can be changed later if needed.
Summary: Jason reflects on what it's like to be back at Hogwarts.

Jason's habit of tapping his quill on the page irritated some people. )


Characters: Lisa Turpin and Jason Samuels.
Setting: The bottom of the Giant Staircase, just after the welcome feast.
Rating: PG-13 for swearing.
Summary: Lisa faces an unexpected fear.

Lisa hadn't realised how much the return to Hogwarts would affect herself. )