December 2010




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Dec. 20th, 2010


Characters: Angelina & George.
Setting: 20 December 1998, George’s flat.
Ratings: EH. Depends.
Summary: Angelina has to tell George something. Time of day has no importance.

if that meant she had to wake him up to do so, then so be it. )

Nov. 8th, 2010


Characters: Wesley Harper & Henry Cresswell
Setting: Transfiguration Corridor. Nov 8th, 4pm
Summary: Wesley kidnaps Henry and demands his milk money! homework.

Not having Laura around meant that Wesley suddenly had more free time on his hands. )

Nov. 6th, 2010


Who: Laura and Parvati.
When: Friday after school.
Where: School, near the owlery.
What: Laura gets news from home.
Rating: PG

Of all the things she expected to see on her way to the owlery, a small figure sitting on the floor was not one of them )

Oct. 31st, 2010


Who: Ryan Stebbins & Susan Bones
Setting: The Lucky Leprechaun, and then A ROOM | Oct 31
Rating: PG-13
Summary: During the Halloween party, Susan meets his parents. Then they head off to their hotel.

You were perfect tonight. )

Oct. 30th, 2010


Characters: Ryan Stebbins & Susan Bones
Setting: Hogsmeade, Oct 30th, early afternoon
Summary: Ryan and Susan meet up with Rae, then head to Madam Puddifoot's for a date.

I’m definitely the boyfriend. )


Characters: Lisa Turpin, Parvati Patil, Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas.
Rating: PG-13 for girl snogging.
Summary: Drinking, teasing and challenges.

I call dibs on being Lisa’s gallant rescuer from the land of kisslessness. )

Oct. 28th, 2010


Characters: Scarlett-Anne Capper & Mandy Brocklehurst
Setting: Early evening, Oct 28th - Diagon Ally
Summary: |Challenge thread| Scarlett really wants that scarf!

Straightening it on the hanger is not required. )


Characters: Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott, briefly Frederick Bones.
Setting: Evening of October 26th, The Leaky Cauldron. [BACKDATED]
Rating: PG-13. (It's still Susan and Hannah.)
Summary: Justin has enlisted Hannah to have a ~talk~ with Susan.

Used as she was to communicating in silences, having Ryan for a boyfriend was a bit of an adjustment in some ways. )


Characters: Hermione Granger & Jason Samuels
Setting: Hogwarts, late Thursday night
Rating: GP
Summary: Hermione is out late and Jason is on patrol.

So, that left her to wonder the corridors, taking in the parts of the castle that had been repaired and the ones that were still under construction. It felt unreal. )


Characters: Hannah Abbott and Justin Finch-Fletchley
Setting: The flat, Thursday evening
Rating: TBA
Summary: Justin's concerns over Susan are leading to a much needed talk with Hannah.

Still, it had been a nice distraction from the fact that she was not exactly avoiding Justin, but avoiding a certain topic because, well, she had no idea how to even bring it up. )

Oct. 27th, 2010


Characters: Seamus Finnigan & Blaise Zabini
Setting: Zabini home, Yorkshire. Oct 27th, early evening.
Summary: |Challenge Thread| Seamus ends up floo-ing into Blaise's home on accident.

But not sleep. Certainly not. Except that he did. )


Characters: Ryan Stebbins & Justin Finch-Fletchley
Setting: Leaky. October 27th, afternoon.
Rating: TBA
Summary: Justin is concerned about Ryan's intentions...

they’d taken Mystery Stew up to her room )

Oct. 26th, 2010


Characters: George Weasley & Kingsley Shacklebolt
Setting: Hogsmeade, Tuesday evening late
Rating: General Public
Summary: George is taking baby steps into thinking about opening a second shop and Kingsley catches him moving stuff in late at night.

George Weasley used to be one to risk anything without much of a second thought because at least he wasn't doing it alone, but now that was gone. And okay maybe Angelina was right. He was scared. )


Characters: Penelope Clearwater & Justin Finch-Fletchley
Setting: Penelope's office, St. Mungo's, Monday at 1 p.m.
Rating: General public
Summary: Penelope needs an assistant, Justin would like a job in the psychology field. An interview follows.

It was one pm, normally when Penelope took her lunch break, but today she was interviewing one Justin Finch-Fletchley for the role of her new assistant. )

Oct. 24th, 2010


Who: Miles Bletchley and Marcus Flint
What: Why is Marcus in Miles' kitchen?
Where: Miles' + Tamsin's flat.
When: Sunday morning. || 24/10/98
Status: complete.
Rating: PG-13/R for innuendos, mainly.

But your flatmate did. And then we had sex. )


Characters: Tamsin Applebee and Bryony Dunstan
Setting: Sunday afternoon
Rating: PG, probably? Can always be changed :)
Summary: Log challenge for November 9th - Tamsin and Bryony bump into each other at the Falcons v Wanderers game.

Tamsin always liked to be prepared. )

Oct. 23rd, 2010


Characters: Lisa Turpin and Anthony Goldstein.
Setting: Friday afternoon, 8th year Common Room.
Rating: PG.
Summary: Anthony is in the Common Room for once.

Basically every approach she had tried with him had failed. )

Oct. 22nd, 2010


Who: Laura Madley, Wayne Hopkins, and Wesley Harper later.
When: Thursday after school
Where: Lake
What: Wayne hugs Laura, Wesley takes issue with it, Laura cries, they talk about Wesley torturing people during the war. The usual teenaged drama stuff.
Rating: PG-13

It was cold, and she was upset, and it didn’t occur to him that there could possibly be anything inappropriate in hugging someone else’s girlfriend )

Oct. 20th, 2010


Characters: Susan Bones, Seamus Finnigan and Lawrence Pringle (a.k.a. Boogie Boy).
Setting: October 20th around lunchtime, St Mungo's.
Rating: PG.
Summary: The Flooing gets a bit too much for Seamus, and he and Susan find themselves cornered by Boogie Boy.

Seamus. Irish, from James. Supplanter. We have to watch out for him. )


Who: Penelope Clearwater, with Gilderoy Lockhart npced by Patricia
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: St. Mungo's
What: Gilderoy is enamoured with Penelope's new look, but lacks the way he had with the ladies in the past.
Rating: PG-13

It was only after he read his books that he realized that he was actually a really amazing man - perhaps the most incredible and fascinating wizard in the whole world, in fact - and that the boy was very likely just a stupid kid who was jealous of his fame and talent )

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