December 2010




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Nov. 6th, 2010


Who: Laura and Parvati.
When: Friday after school.
Where: School, near the owlery.
What: Laura gets news from home.
Rating: PG

Of all the things she expected to see on her way to the owlery, a small figure sitting on the floor was not one of them )

Oct. 22nd, 2010


Who: Laura Madley, Wayne Hopkins, and Wesley Harper later.
When: Thursday after school
Where: Lake
What: Wayne hugs Laura, Wesley takes issue with it, Laura cries, they talk about Wesley torturing people during the war. The usual teenaged drama stuff.
Rating: PG-13

It was cold, and she was upset, and it didn’t occur to him that there could possibly be anything inappropriate in hugging someone else’s girlfriend )

Oct. 16th, 2010


Characters: Wesley Harper & Laura Madley
Setting: Right after the Quidditch Match on Saturday
Summary: Always with the awkwardness.

As much as he might hate Rae Bones... he hated Gryffindor, overall, more. )

Oct. 13th, 2010


Characters: Cecadoc Dearvon and Laura Madley
Setting: Hestia's quarters at Hogwarts; Wednesday
Rating: GP for now
Summary: Since his little breakdown, Caradoc has been staying with Hestia. He only ever really wants to talk to the dog. The problem is that Laura sometimes walks the dog.

It was safer if for a little while his whole world could be this room. It might not be the most exciting world, but it felt safe and when he was really struggling with who he was (especially when that who included someone willing to kill) limitations were a good thing. )

Oct. 1st, 2010


Who: Wesley Harper & Laura MADley
What: Wesley wants to know why Laura keeps on hugging him. IDEK with these two anymore!
When: Wednesday evening
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

What would Marcus do? )

Sep. 25th, 2010


Who: Wesley Harper & Laura Madley
What: Them being ... them. | Complete
When: Sept 25th @ The Charity Game
Rating: PG

'Are you going to take your shirt off or something?' )

Sep. 23rd, 2010


Who: Ryan Stebbins, Susan Bones, & Laura Madley
What: Idle chatting, lunch, basically FRIENDLY FRIEND stuff.
When: Thursday, lunch around 1pm
Rating: PG.

...she let out a short laugh as she was pulled into the rather clumsy three-way hug. )

Sep. 16th, 2010


Who: Laura Madley and Wesley Harper (with a cameo by Peeves).
What: Rock skipping, poltergeist hexing, walks (how fucking gay), and emo!teenagers.
When: Thursday afternoon
Status: Complete
Rating: PG+ for language, but nothing more. Wesley isn't exactly a smooth operator.

No stupid poltergeist was going to keep him from his gay walk with Laura )

Sep. 1st, 2010


Characters: Laura Madley & Wesley Harper [COMPLETED LOG]
Setting: Sept 1; Hogwarts Express, half-way through the trip to school
Ratings: PG pretty much. A for awkward?
Summary: Wesley rescues Laura from some bullies and then proceeds to be tactless, awkward, & sweet all at once.

Wesley wasn't sure what was the most bizarre thing to have happened in to him such a short period of time. )


Characters: Susan and Laura
Setting: The Madley home
Rating: PG
Summary: Susan attempt to find out why Laura is so upset.

He's worried about you, you know )

Aug. 23rd, 2010


Characters: Wayne Hopkins and Laura Madley
Setting: Travel agents in Hogsmeade, backdated to about a week ago I think
Rating: G
Summary: Aww crushey
Format: completed log

Wayne Hopkins! Wayne Hopkins was here! )

Aug. 14th, 2010


Characters: Ryan Stebbins & Laura Madley
Setting: Ryan's Kitchen. [BACKDATED; August 10th]
Rating: PG || Complete
Summary: Ryan & Laura discuss food & dating habits.

Shepard's Pie )

Jul. 15th, 2010


Characters: Fleur & OPEN!
Setting: Thursday Afternoon, London.
Rating: Undecided.
Summary: Fleur is enjoying the sights and sounds of England's capitol.

Flashing him a mischievous smile, she raised her left hand and showed him her wedding ring. Her confidence now assured, she went on her way, her golden locks swaying gently against her back. )