December 2010




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Jul. 3rd, 2010


Characters: Michael Corner and Dennis Creevey
Setting: Michael and George's flat, 4 July 1998, evening
Rating: PG-13 for language?
Summary: Michael really needs to see his adopted brother and get his mind off of the last few nights.

Dennis was a no bullshit sort of kid and that's what Michael loved best about him. )

Jun. 11th, 2010


Characters: Angelina, George and Dennis!
Setting: Thursday 10 June 1998
Ratings: Let's say R for language, and stuff.
Summary: Angelina has decided that what Dennis needs is a good drinking binge and enlisted George's help/company in doing so.

The purpose for this, at least in Angelina's mind, was fairly simple. )

Jun. 4th, 2010


Characters: Justin & Dennis
Setting: Thursday afternoon
Rating: GP
Summary: Justin saves Dennis from his muggle family.

It felt strange to have a wand again after a year of not using one at all. Luckily, it was a lot like riding a bicycle. )

May. 4th, 2010


Nightmares & Hospital Beds

Characters: Dennis Creevey & Susan Bones (Open)
Setting: St. Mungos. May 4, 1998. 5:30pm
Summary: Dennis wakes up for the first time after falling at the hands of Adair Jugson during the battle two days ago. If anyone was visiting they should help talk him down from a nightmare.

Black and still. Black and silent )

May. 2nd, 2010


The birth of revenge

Characters: Dennis Creevey & Kingsley Shacklebolt
Setting: May 2, 1998. Hogwarts. 2nd floor corridor. Ceasefire.
Summary: After this Dennis excuses himself to the loo in order to compose himself. While there he ... seems to rationalize a new purpose for action. Someone....should probably try and talk some sense into the kid.

Shaking. His entire body was shaking. )