December 2010




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Jul. 12th, 2010


Character: Tracey Davis, Daphne Greengrass & Pansy Parkinson
Setting: Near the Parkinson rented place in Spain.
Rating: GP
Summary: Tracey on the beach chilling and thinking about the battle of Hogwarts a bit.

Digging her toes into the sand, Tracey closed her eyes and looked up toward the sky. The sun was hot, inescapable and just perfectly lovely. )

Jun. 28th, 2010


Characters: Pansy Parkinson & Theodore Nott
Setting: Nott Manor
Summary: Revision at Nott Manor prior to yet another exam.

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New Responsibilities & New Doubt

Characters: Pansy Parkinson & Theodore Nott
Setting: [BACKDATED] 1997 term. A vacant Hogwarts Dungeon. Evening.
Summary: The Head Girl has some....doubts about this new position and the first assignment to punish fellow students is a bit shocking. The Head Boy must step in to offer a "pep talk."

But what scared her most was that she'd actually felt compelled to plea for their forgiveness ... )

Jun. 10th, 2010


June 10, 1998

Characters: Pansy Parkinson & Daphne Greengrass
Setting: Corner of Knockturn & Diagon Alley. Thursday. 4:30ish.
Summary: After a day at the Ministry observing the Ministry vs Rookwood case the Parkinson's decide to pay a visit to the Burke's storefront after overhearing the unfortunate news of Driscoll being charged. Pansy chooses to ... not visit and wanders around on her own.

Having been practically dragged out of the house by her parents to attend Augustus Rookwoods trial she was bitterly reminded of how awfully the side she's been rooting for these last few years were losing. )