[video | open][action | open to housemates]
14 June 2010 at 07:23 pm
So, I guess that explosion in my dream was an actual explosion then. I kind of got used to them with Anissina's lab not that far way in Shin Makoku. [Sheepish laugh] Acumen said it was just terrain and buildings. That means everyone is okay, right? He wouldn't just skip the part where someone was hurt.

...Would he?

Does anyone know what happened?

Oh, and to all new people! You should join the baseball team! Or cheerleading I guess...

[Fail private to Joshua]
Hey Josh, so dinner tonight then?
[text] Layer 17: Canvassing
14 June 2010 at 03:54 pm
Inmates old and new:

Have you found Marina Asylum's current criminal detention and rehabilitation program to be effective?

Or somewhat erroneous and
The 67th Day
14 June 2010 at 09:10 pm
Good morning inmates. It is the 67th day of the third generation.

Concerning the explosion in Sector 1 last night, it was limited to causing terrain damage in just the graveyard area, and structural damage and collapse to a few nearby buildings. Remote units will be working to restore the Sector to its original state, and I ask that inmates please not interfere with their progress, or needlessly be present in the general area due to the debris.

In accordance with inmate Saber's request, new alcohol variety is now available at the club in Sector 3. Inmates are reminded that alcoholic beverages are not to leave the premises.
[Action | So Very Open Everywhere]
11 June 2010 at 06:53 pm
[Wherever you're at in the dome you're going to hear some noise, like heavy clanking. It starts off fairly dulled and distant, but it grows in volume and has a somewhat steady rhythm to it. What's causing it isn't clear, but some things are for sure-- it's loud, it's metallic, and it's heading your way.

...Probably because, oh, that seven foot tall suit of armor that just showed up is coming towards you, actually. Despite the size and the horns and all, it's not really that intimidating though; what with the pinkish hue to it and the tinny, girly voice that echos from the helm as it looks about while clambering amiably along, restraint dragging behind it]


[[ooc: UGUUUU s-should have put this up at first but I will be majorly slow LIKE A BOSS! I'M SORRY]]
[Video | Open] [slightly backdated]
11 June 2010 at 08:31 pm
Good afternoon, Marina residents. [Lacus is smiling, but it's a little subdued. She's at work right now, after all!] For anyone I've not met, my name is Lacus Clyne.

I'm very pleased to have been accepted to the defense force, and from now on I'll be handling most of the public relations activities and outreach between the team and the rest of the population. In other words, I'm happy to hear and address any questions or concerns that any of you might have that involve the defense team!

Membership requests can also be forwarded to me, although Sir Gino will continue to do his excellent work at determining eligibility. And emergency calls for aid will always be responded to by whatever defense force member is available, of course.

Please don't hesitate to bring any thoughts to me at any time. [Her voice is a bit more stern, now. A bit.] It is vital that we all work together to maintain safety for everyone.

[And now back to the light, airy tone~] I'm looking forward to speaking with everyone!
08 June 2010 at 04:01 am
[Sora yells into the microphone, confused and slightly agitated]

Riku, Kairi!! Are you there? Can you hear me?

[He moves his hands around the communicator, searching for a volume button as if it is a two-way radio]


[There is a bit of silence as Sora notices the welcome basket and brochure.]

Food? Uhh.

[The rustling of paper is just barely audible]

What.. I haven't committed any of these crimes! I-- What is this?!
08 June 2010 at 02:00 am
[She is a bit shaky this morning, but Rin waking up in an empty bedroom made her worried.]

Has anyone seen Len lately? He isn't in his bed when I woke up or I haven't heard from him in a while.

Not to mention......I haven't heard from Adrianna either...
07 June 2010 at 09:03 pm

Uhm, Miwako isn't really sure what to say to all of this. It's a lot to take in all at once. But I guess the first thing to say would be to thank the welcoming committee for the lovely basket~! That's so thoughtful! It's adorable!

Miwako was never aware that what she was doing was a crime, you know! I wonder why it is. Will Arashi be coming here, too, then? Since he's a criminal along with Miwako...

Oh, but that means so is Caroline.

And if Caroline's a criminal, that means George is a criminal, too! Oh-- that would mean George is a criminal mastermind, probably! Especially because he's bisexual - maybe a super villain? But George is a gentleman, so he could never really be a criminal - that's not proper!

And George and Isabella are so close, and Isabella is a proper lady, so he could never be a criminal, either; and Caroline and George were both honors students, so that would be like saying Hiro was a criminal, too, since Hiro and Caroline went to the same school, but Hiro definitely isn't. He might still be a virgin, though; I'm not sure.

I think, then, because of all of this, that Miwako's real crime was speeding! That would make more sense. They could have just given me a ticket instead, though... Even if this is a very nice prison that even gives you welcome baskets with scented hand lotion, Miwako doesn't really want to go to jail. Especially not on another planet. But maybe if this is the Glitter Planet...--

In any case, my name is Sakurada Miwako~! It's nice to meet all of you! Miwako is already done crying, since it says in the brochure that we can't get out, so we might as well just make friends while we're here. I think that Arashi will be really mad at the replacement Miwako, though. Poor Ara...
[Voice - Open | Video - Open | Action - Closed]
06 June 2010 at 09:42 pm
[It's late, but Yuuki's a vampire, and she hasn't been able to sleep. She's in Kaname's room and alone. The device is slightly skewed to the side sitting on the bed next to her and she is only partially visible, as though she's accidentally turned it on or just didn't care enough to turn it off. It had remained on all night, on the hope that another voice would greet her on the other end, despite all of her failed private messages. It's not just him either, who hasn't replied since earlier. She takes a shaky breath, before tightly clutching a pendant to her.]

O-Oniisama, again you-- [She stops, choking slightly on her words. By now, she knows. They've both vanished again.]
04 June 2010 at 05:24 pm
It appears I have a slight problem.

Is there any brave soul that might be willing to help me out?~
02 June 2010 at 03:34 pm
Hey, guys, I was just talking to Zero and I was wondering...

Would anyone be interested in paintball? Because, you know, who doesn't like shooting their friends with giant gobs of paint?

02 June 2010 at 01:28 pm
[The video flicks on and all you see is the screen of a video game from the arcade. Those that occasionally visit the arcade might recognise the game Native Zombie 6, the sounds of Zombies dying constantly groaning in the background. Above the score of the user is a flashing HIGH SCORE and the Zombies are all being taken down with single shots. Whoever is aiming at them has obvious experience in this sort of thing.]

Is there a way to turn off that blinking light or is it supposed to be a distractionary tactic for this sort of training simulation? It's been flashing for fourty-five minutes now. It's a fairly poor distraction.

Also, how do you complete this training exercise? I think I need a higher level.

01 June 2010 at 06:02 pm
[It's a poetry reading session with Envy! Obviously the words are read off rather dramatically before any commentary is brought up!]

"I died so many years ago. You can make me feel Like it isn't so. And why you come to be with me. I think I finally know."

Isn't that just touching? Who knew that someone could be such a sap on the inside.

[The sound of a page flipping and then Envy cackling.]

"My heart expands, 'tis grown a bulge in it. Inspired by your beauty... Effulgent."

Seriously? Who could even write this crap? Sounds like someone in love. Augh. Love... It's so sickening.

[Flipping a few more pages~]

"With nothing but my heart at stake, I ferry forth without a break. To seek my love most undeserved -"

[Forget it. Envy's lost in a fit of laughter.]

Someone needs a life! Ha ha ha ha ha! There's a more, if anyone cares.~
[action || oh so very open]
01 June 2010 at 11:12 am
[Guess what? Someone's got his ball and chain off! And as a celebration GIR will be in the kitchen...making things! It's not clear exactly what he's stirring up in a bowl at the moment, but it kind of looks like goopy pancake batter. Actually, it's biscuit mix! Very...watery biscuit mix. And with how fast and happily he's stirring he's getting it all over the counter and floor along with flour and a bunch of dropped eggs which...he didn't even use; he just wanted to play with them for a while.]

YAY! [He claps appreciatively before going back to stirring and humming a song which only has one word in it: doom. Occasionally a "doomy," but that's about it. The best song in the world, of course! ...Someone should probably do something before he reaches the oven.]
[ voice ]
31 May 2010 at 11:35 pm
[ Blame Ichigo for this. Sounds drowsy, and there are water sounds in the background ]

Who wants to give a pretty girl a back rub?
[anonymous note]
31 May 2010 at 08:31 pm
[the usual bulletin board is up, with this note attached.]

[by the board are the usual different colored papers and pens...along with some crayons and a dictionary from the library, which someone appears to have forgotten...]

[[ooc: If you can't read the note, it says "How import is romans to you?" which translates from Pearl into English as "How important is romance to you?" At least she tried looking the words up... Also, I apologize for Pearl's spelling. |D]]
[Video | Action | Open]
24 May 2010 at 09:44 pm
[For those who have currently decided to view the video feed, the image in front of you is slightly muddled with static for a moment, but then the figure slowly materializes on the screen. It’s a strikingly beautiful man, one that many of you might be familiar with. He’s holding his hand to his neck, a bit of blood showing between his fingers as his eyes dilate slightly. His skin is paler and his eyes are filled with the sort of despair that takes years to matriculate. A sadness that lingers indefinitely in one’s conscience, slowly crippling the mind until the heart becomes almost completely barren.

And then he looks up, blinking at his surroundings before some measure of recognition evolves in his expression. His head falls back, the hand pressed against his neck wilting as it does, to show that the wound has been healed. His eyes flutter closed and his lips twitch open to reveal uneven breathing. His head hurts, he feels nauseous, and he can barely form an articulate thought, but he knows where he is. Kaname’s pale lips slowly drift into the barest of smiles.]

I guess this means… I've returned.
22 May 2010 at 11:56 am
[Everyone's favorite incubus is back after randomly disappearing (again). Trogdor was sitting on top of his white hair while Barry himself was resting on a nice comfortable bed. Between his fingers, even if nobody could see him, is a bone of some sorts. It was late, but a question to humor them all.]

Hm. What is that one thing that you desire the most, yet you somehow might never get, but still keep on trying?

[Yes, he knows his answer. And then, watch Addy make a comment.]
[voice / filtered to defense force]
20 May 2010 at 10:26 pm
Hey, my team-- We now know what the sleeping sickness was all about, and I'm going to update each of you. I'd appreciate it if you keep it as quiet as possible, since it's -- kind of a delicate topic. Ask if you're curious, otherwise it'll be on the watch list. [a little muted, then!]

Soooo, some of you wanted to have a face to face meeting, so we're going to have a little get-together here at the HQ tomorrow night. You can bring a guest if you want, just try not to make it someone on the watch list. And don't worry about standing on formality. We'll all have a good time, okay?

Attendance is mandatory! [he adds this cheerfully, and laughs, ahaha] You can meet our new defense force mascot, right, Anya?
20 May 2010 at 08:38 pm
[Ba-dum-tum! That's a set of bongos. Demyx is wandering the music room, and back to planning entertainment that requires minimal effort on his part..]


What are your general opinions on beach side drum circles? You know, dancing barefoot in the sand, wailing on anything percussive in sight?

I hear the dolphins go nuts for a good beat! We could break out the tiki torches and do it after 'dark hours' and everything!