19 November 2010 at 03:23 pm
[Spending too much time in one place was incredibly boring. Agito was tired of sitting around doing nothing. There were no other riders here, and the dome just wasn't big enough. He'd already trained more than even he could stand.

The dark wandered past the park, arms idly folded. His cat was at his feet, following her owner happily. Agito occasionally wondered if Kasumi knew she was a cat or hanging around that puppy of Akito's was rubbing off on her. One thing he did tend to do while bored was think. He'd heard Roxas had vanished from the dome, which, while he wouldn't admit it, bothered him.

Damnit he hated this place]

((Agito's CR is lacking, so hopefully using this post to boost it!))
[ voice/open ]
16 November 2010 at 08:46 pm
If you were home right now, what's the first thing you'd do?

[For once, she might not be interested in trolling, and might be genuinely curious. Or, she might just be envious of those who have homes to return to. Either way, after last night, she's not moving an inch from her bedroom today.]
[action | open]
16 November 2010 at 02:31 pm
[New clothing? What is this?

Cielo isn't used to the temperature being this cold without an ice spell being involved. It doesn't bother him too much, but he prefers it warmer all the same. As such, he's taken Acumen's advice and added a few layers.

He... might have gotten carried away.

He'll be roaming merrily through the park if you want to say hello. ...And if you can recognize him under a couple coats, three scarves, earmuffs, mittens...]
[ Action | OPEN ]
16 November 2010 at 08:11 am
[In Sector 0 there is a wild ERIDAN attempting to shove along his recuperacoon towards the general direction that his apartment is in. Asking for help while he's doing this? That's beneath one such as him, he can get it there all on his own. Still, even for a sea dwelling troll like Eridan it seems quite heavy for him to shove there on his own, he might need some help with this. ...Though, he will never admit that he does so you'll have to 'help' him without him realizing it.

So, it's either do that or if you're not a troll you can ask him what the hell he is or what the hell his recuperacoon even is. Whatever the fuck it is, Eridan is quite ecstatic to have it now so he can get some shut eye once it's where it needs to be.]
video; open to action
14 November 2010 at 03:05 pm
[ when the feed starts up, it's to the view of jacket lapels, and a red tie half-obscured by a plain gray scarf. that may be a glimpse of the library, just at the edge of the image. ]

At least the weather is controlled now. How long is this supposed to last, again?

[ it doesn't sound like he's expecting an answer. the image drops down, focusing on the pavement at his feet before he begins to walk. it cuts out a moment later. ]

((ooc: open action post as well. i'll tag back once i return from work ;e;))
[Action | Open]
14 November 2010 at 11:15 am
[Heh… snow. Naoya has found some decent clothes, so he's taken to wandering around the dome. He stops in the park for a few moments, and closes his eyes. There's a pounding in his head, as memories flash in front of his eyes.]

[Winter, and the snow is thick. The battlefield is littered with soldiers, and a young man lies next to his fallen brothers, red blood staining the snow.]

[That one in particular wasn't that long ago… maybe a hundred and fifty years or so. Heh.]

[Still, he's not going anywhere soon. He sits down on a bench, and looks up at the snow and the water high above.]

[[ooc; Open bother post.]]
[ voice ]
11 November 2010 at 09:17 pm
Eh, this thing is pretty weird…

[The feed starts with the sound of a fairly ambiguous voice, slightly monotone from the extent heard. The woman (or man?) who’s voice this belongs to, lets out a sigh, and there’s a few scratches heard on the microphone, before it is situated properly on her head. ]

I talk in here? [ There’s a pause. ] Hello. My name is Haruhi, from class 1-A I guess that doesn’t make much difference right now…

I read through the pamphlet, but I had a question. I thought someone might be able to help. [ There’s a pause before she begins talking again. ] Where do we work here? We have to make a living somehow, after all.

... Ah, that’s it. This was pretty meaningless… [ And, soon enough, the feed cuts after a bit a fumbling around. ]
[Video|Action|Open] Meet-and-Greet!
11 November 2010 at 05:39 pm
[Have a very nervous-looking Miranda who is trying to hide just how terrified she is of screwing this up.]

Umm...W-Welcome to everyone who just arrived today! [handwave] I know that it can be a little confusing and maybe scary, but Marina isn't a bad place to stay, really.

[Monsters and evil people not withstanding.]

If you would like to maybe m-meet some of the other new inmates, or get to know some of the people who are already here...there will be treats, tea, and hot cocoa in M-Meeting Hall 1 of the Education Center.

Y-You don't have to come if you don't want to! [doesn't want to pressure anyone] But you're not alone here, and you can make some really wonderful friends. And anyone who wants to meet the n-new arrivals is more than welcome to come! If you don't know how to get to the Education Center, I can try to give you directions?

[Miranda will be there with a table that is covered with cookies, cupcakes, brownies, strudels, and hot tea and cocoa just like she promised. She really wishes she had found someone much better suited for this. She's not a spokeswoman or even that confident of a speaker one-on-one. Hopefully they can avoid the robots and not get into trouble for coming?

And she still had one other call to make...]


Umm...K-Kanda? Are you b-busy tomorrow morning?

{OOC: Event-style, threadjacking encouraged. Mingle, mingle!}
[ Action ]
09 November 2010 at 09:30 pm
[So he's been cooped up for a little too long. Joshua knows this and in his heart he realizes that he's receding back to what he had been like before arriving here. While he doesn't wish for that to happen, he cannot really find any reason to be motivated to even leaving his little place in Sector Five, save for the rare instance here and there.

Right now is one of those times. Joshua has made his way to the arcade, one of his key spots before so many people started to show up. He meanders around each and every game, drawing his fingers across the surface. It's been a while since he's been here. Joshua giggles. It's almost nostalgic at this point. Ah well...

He settles on one of those old shooting gallery games, picking up the plastic fake fun and tapping his fingernails on it. Might as well give it a go, right?

The best part? He never misses his target.]
09 November 2010 at 07:33 pm
Hey, is everybody awake now? I have a question and I don't want to leave anybody out.

[And here is Alma at the library looking very serious, because he has thought long and hard about this, read some books, and even wrote down all the questions he thought he should ask, but this is the Most Important of them all. And now that he has an audience...]

So, what do you guys like about sex?

[See, Suzaku? He's not just asking Q. He's asking everyone.]
09 November 2010 at 05:19 pm
[He's just.....going to stare past the screen at his surroundings. For a long time. GUESS WHERE MINATO WOKE UP. Yup, shower stall.]

.....This is prison?

[ooc: go and find him in the shower stall. you know you want to. and I'm so sorry Kay and Li for changing my intro post u_u.]]