[Action | Open]
20 December 2010 at 01:08 am
Winry Rockbell
[Having recovered from her sickness a few days ago, Winry decided to pay her thanks to the two brothers for taking care of her through it by giving them a little reward. As such she's carrying along another homemade apple pie as she goes out in the cold evening. Bundled up in her winter clothes, Winry makes her way through Sector Four to visit Ed & Al at their house.]

((OOC: Completely open to everyone on her way to the alchemists' house, so long as it doesn't involve something timeline breaky like assaulting her or stealing her pie. Though you may try the latter, just expect a wrench (and no success) if you keep at it.

Action at the house open to the four alchemists and anyone who might have a good reason to be there.))
Location: Sector 4 - The Elric & Tringham Household & vacinity / ~9 PM
[action|closed ]
20 December 2010 at 05:11 pm
[ Lenalee is at the door of the apartment complex in which she stays, steeled. Open shoes and snow mix no better than skirts and cold and she has decided this is to be remedied. Lenalee is going shopping.

She only has Greek drachma, and only the equivalent of a train ticket, but she's determined to stretch it as far as it can go. She's stretched worse and more difficult things. Like angry men, by the hair.

Okay. She pushes one thickly-socked (and unfortunately heeled) foot over the threshold
[Video | Action | Open]
20 December 2010 at 06:34 pm
[Oh goodness, the Angel has found the Pet Cafe on one of his morning strolls.

He's also decided that he may as well fully out himself, since he hasn't been putting - well, any effort into hiding it. Why not live as an Angel here, since there's no SEELE or NERV to know or care about it? With that thought in mind, he turns on video.]

I learned a lot about you Lilim yesterday. It seems your emotions are even more complicated and confusing than I thought.

There's still one thing I don't understand, though - your desire for animal companions. [He picks up a small orange kitten, regarding it curiously.] Pets, you call them, right? What's a pet's purpose? Why do you care so much for something that can't even communicate with you? What do you get from the relationship?

[He's holding the kitten in a rather unusual way, thumbs lightly pressed to its throat. They're so fragile, these little creatures. He still remembers how easily he ended one of their lives, without even breaking a sweat...

... no, he's not considering doing it again. There's no need this time, since someone will eventually adopt the thing, and the robots will care for it if not. But if you're particularly sensitive, you might not like the intense way he's staring at kitty, particularly with his hands at its throat.]
20 December 2010 at 09:40 pm
[It's a bit later in the morning when Saki finally pulls herself out of bed and toward Allen's. Last night had been -- interesting, and she suspected today was going to be just as interesting, but first there's a soon-to-be birthday boy in need of some puppy.]

[Knocking on the door, with a certain someone squirming in her arms. Although he had been pretty docile on the journey here, the puppy's tail is now wagging exuberantly at a familiar scent.]

[smell an allen where's the allen want an allen allen allen allen]

((OOC: First tag is Allen's? But anyone who has a reason to be at the apartment is welcome to jump in! WISELY GET OUT.))
The 94th Day
20 December 2010 at 10:05 pm
Marina Asylum Denizens
Good morning, inmates. It is the 94th day of the third generation.

As the facility will be observing the Christmas holiday tomorrow, today could be considered Christmas Eve. Inmate Jennifer Shibuya has organized a Yule Ball to be held this evening, and other inmates are encouraged to participate in the festivities. Please be reminded that alcohol is still not permitted outside of the club area.

Inmates Feferi Peixes, Terezi Pyrope and Ciaphas Cain, requests can be retrieved at the entrance to Sector 0.
20 December 2010 at 10:47 pm
(Demon-Eye) Wisely
[Wisely is being creative with markers and paper! He's working on something incredible. Once he's done he'll flick it on video and plaster the image to the screen. How else will Santa see it?!]


...Maybe I should add some more blood.

((ooc: both Wisely and I have terrible drawing skills so. the scribbled out part says Exorcists and the dead stick figures from left to right is lavi, allen, and kanda. lenalee you are too hard to draw. alma you are too moe.))