April 13th, 2014




HEYYY i have no idea what i'm doing but wow oh geez, it's been a while, marina! probably a couple of decades but who's counting stop counting.

i'm yuul and i have brought one percy jackson with me (my fifteen-year-old self is crying and asking me why). he's a good kid trying to do the right thing!! trouble follows him around more than he'd like but that's what happens when you're the son of poseidon. i'm sorry in advance about him. it's amazing he's lasted as long as he has.

percy's from the end of the house of hades so he is full of spoilers if you're reading or planning on reading the pjo/hoo series. just yell at me loudly and i will not blow your mind with all the amazing!! things!! happening. anyway, i'm very bad at intros but i'm happy to be back and looking forward to playing with you all!



so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye.

i'm sorry to do this, everyone, but attempting to play in a game around being a full time teacher with a dozen other side duties isn't working out. coming back to marina after i thought i had a better grip on my free time and ability to navigate it only served to drive the point home further. that said, seven of nine ([info]borg) and liz parker are going home as of the start of monday's dayweek. apologies to seven's castmates and the cr they've both amassed during their time in the game.

so long, and thanks for all the fish tentacles, marinanova! ♥



hello friends

cut to save your fl from my dumb gif needs )

I'm sarie, and I am totally new to the game! I am bringing in this baby android girl, who will probably annoy the hell out of everyone. she's lal, from star trek tng, and she is coming in from her only episode (3x16), before she has the android equivalent of a nervous breakdown over the idea of being separated from her father, data. the wardens are going to be kind enough to stabilize her neural net, so she can be totally back to her normal, emotionless self.

aaaaanyway, I'm always up for adding new people on plurk (if you don't mind that I post sporadically, and half the time it's about mundane daily life stuff), or on aim where I am merge with deus. I'm super excited to meet everyone and start playing soon!



Sunday Speakeasy


The dayweek has ended! It's time for announcements, memes, plotting, and .gifs! Catch up on game activity in our digests, and use the rest of the post as you see fit!

It is your post to fill up however you please. Tell people it's your birthday. Show pictures of your cat. Post fanart and fanfic for the game. Request AC help. Start some plotting. Brag about a thread. Start memes. Free-for-all!

Mod Contact | Marina Calendar | Player-run Organization Directory | Permission Post Directory



[No Subject]

Hello Marina!!! I'm Pan and I'm bringing you one crazy blond Polish guy! His name is Clay Kaczmarek, but he's going by Subject Sixteen these days, and his canon is Assassin's Creed! I'm bringing him pre AC1, meaning he's going to be a sorry piece of poo for a very long time.

BE GENTLE WITH HIM he just wants love ok.

oh i forgot to add here's my plurk and you can contact me on aim at lynthne ooc ovo!! feel free to add




We've been reviewing the apps and will comment to each apper shortly! Once you've been accepted, our current players will post here to introduce their new characters! Tell us:
• Who you are

• Who you play and who you apped

• Maybe a little of what they're like

• How we can contact you

• Anything else you think is important!

Then other people will comment to be enthusiastic. ♥ New players can also post here if they're more comfortable with it. Everyone will be let into the IC community Monday after the daypost.



The world is new and scary and I'm part of it!

Hello people! My name is Olivia and I am completely new to all this. Well, not to writing, or roleplaying. But to livejournal and such, so... I am going to be one giant pain in the behind for a bit before I get the hang of it. Anyhow I'm going to be playing Gwen Cooper from Torchwood, and I am very much looking forward to mixing her about with other people. I have taken her from after Journey's End, but before The Children of the Earth part 1, so she should have a shred of hope for humanity left. I am very happy with her.
Having someone to hide behind when you enter a new community and you're scared as *censorship* is a brilliant thing.
Anyway, I am nervous, as if you couldn't tell, but really looking forward to this! So... Ehm.. Yes.

Insert good ending here.