April 1st, 2014



Game-wide HMD

Welcome to the MarinaNova HMD! This is optional, but encouraged.

• List your characters for which you'd like feedback. We have a form below if you like forms!

• Leave your tactful and considered thoughts, questions, concerns, praise, suggestions, etc. for others.
We strongly encourage you to make this a dialogue. Find out what went into actions, decisions, and characterization and you may come to understand it better. Hopefully, you'll also be in the best position to clearly communicate your own concerns. Results will be more satisfactory for everyone if one person isn't on the offensive while the other is on the defensive.

Avoid leaving someone a wall of text. This can be intimidating even with the most careful of wording and best of intentions.

Don't gang up on someone. You may have a different way of wording something, but unless you have something new to contribute, consider letting it go if there are already others saying it.

Be constructive and considerate.

• Since there is no plotting meme during months with an HMD, please feel free to do that here too.

Contact a mod if you have any problems.

Anonymous commenting is on. It will be turned off if there is abuse.

Please feel welcome to leave game and mod feedback and suggestions here.