April 2nd, 2014



Short break

Hi guys

As is probably clear to anyone I've got threads with, I'm finding RP rather hard-going at the moment. A part of this is due to my health (I've got a LOT of problems with allergies right now which are leaving me feeling really dopey) and the rest of it... I'm not sure. Maybe just a bit of burn-out.

So I'm going to take a little break, give myself a couple of weeks and hope I get my brain back. Rica, I will TRY to tag Spike sometime again within the next millennium, but otherwise I think I'm going to call all my other threads done. I think they're all mostly just party threads anyway so shouldn't harm anyone's CR.

That said, if anyone I'm threading with desperately needs a couple more tags to make AC, let me know and I'll see what I can do!