November 10th, 2008

[info]jameswarren in [info]lechance

Open-Sunday Morning

James had been to the morning service at the Cathedral, and was now sitting on a wall in the grounds, waiting for Mr. Nichols to finish his rounds of farewells to folk. His eyes were closed behind his glasses, his head tilted back as he hummed along to the music still issuing from inside the building. Going to church had been strange, but the familiar rhythm of ritual, even with the slight cultural differences, and the hymns, despite the different accents they were sung in, had comforted him.

He didn't much believe in the tenets of religion much these days, not since all that had happened back home. The aesthetics however, the beauty in the building itself, the music of voices joined together in song, the communion of folk brought together under a common banner, now *that* he could truly believe in.

He had been neatly turned out when he arrived, but now some of his hair was coming free from the confines of the thin velvet ribbon that was trying to hold it back. Suddenly feeling a chill, he shrugged up the collar of his jacket, and pulled it tighter around him. He brought his head up, and opened his eyes slowly to see someone looking concernedly at him. 

"'M fine," he murmured softly, still looking like his mind was a million miles away. "Internal music," he 'explained'.

[info]ex_homemaker813 in [info]lechance


Hattie rapped lightly on Missy's door. "Missy? Would you care to join me downstairs for tea? I've been baking..."

[info]touch_type in [info]lechance

A package for Obediah

Carefully folded small and affixed to the bottom of a jar of fine clover honey, still on the comb

I wish to thank you for your fine company and the kind gift you brought with you. )