Sep. 3rd, 2008


Dr. Ian McGregor - Calling

Obediah had nothing against making formal calls. Well, not really. He hated anything that meant he had to sit still for too long. And he really wasn't one for most social niceties. And sometimes the tea and the little cakes really sat wrong in his gut.

So, yes, formal calls were great. For other people.

Still, he was making nice with everyone so far and he figured it wouldn't hurt. He charmed a sweet married lady into chaperoning for this little adventure, dressed in his best leather pants (which in his case was the best at showing off his bum) and a brocade coat before riding over to the hotel on his steam cycle.

Might as well arrive in grand style.

He met Mrs. Perkins in the lobby, then sent his card up to announce to Dr. Ian McGregor that he had indeed, arrived.

Aug. 28th, 2008



Letters to Ascendants )

Beloved )

Aug. 22nd, 2008


Open to All- Early Evening

The market square was covered in a large tent, glittering candles lighting up the green and the cobblestoned area. There was a feast, laid out for all new arrivals from the week before. Not all of the city were there by any means, though all had been invited. Still. The party was some 500 strong, food was readily available wine flowed, and there was dancing, a live band playing lively music.