October 14th, 2008

[info]tailertheo in [info]lechance


Theodore read Julian's letter again even though the paper shook slightly from the trembling of his fingers. He'd already read it so many times through that he was amazed the paper didn't show the tracks from his eyes running over the lines. Feeling giddy, he took out a sheet of paper to write back, but there was so much he wanted to say. So many thoughts and feelings and he couldn't get them onto the paper in any kind of sense.

He checked his appearance, smoothed his hair and his clothes then did something so bold that a month ago he never would have dreamed it. Theodore walked through town to Julian's house and knocked on the door, a boquet of small, fragrant, deep blue flowers in his hand. He had no clue what they were.

[info]tiesthatbind in [info]lechance


It was after dinner, a bit late perhaps to be calling but Sadie needed to talk to Effie and she didn't think that the other woman would mind some company.

She left her room at the hotel and sought out the lacemaker, looking for her first in the sitting room and, not seeing her there, heading up to Effie's personal rooms. She knocked lightly on the door, not wanting to disturb her if she'd already taken to bed.