September 11th, 2008

[info]jonaswilder in [info]lechance


Jonas sat leaning far back in his rickety, but comforting wooden chair, behind the desk that served as his space in the Sheriff's office.

Out on the street, he wondered whether his horse would be settled enough to ride yet, or whether she was still too spooked from the earthquake. All his animals had been rattled by it, he'd had no eggs for breakfast this morning either. He was still debating whether to go round to check on his horse in the paddock over the Ilen River bridge, when he saw someone approaching.

He lifted his hat in greeting, "Good afternoon, trust you are well?" he called over.

[info]tokyosteel in [info]lechance

For Sadie

A package and letter are delivered to Miss Sadie Blackwood at the hotel.

The letter reads: Miss Blackwood,
I would like to thank you for your hospitality and company. I enjoyed myself and hope that you did the same. I hope, also, that this gift is not to much after one meeting. I hope you use it well and that perhaps we can meet again.

With sincerity,

Daisuke Shimada

The box contains a pair of thimbles, simply shaped and ornamented.

[info]lacemaker in [info]lechance

Mr. Jonathan Ibis

Although the earthquake had caused no damage to Effie's delicate bobbins, several had been damaged in her journey, and when she came to trying to find a pair for her gimp thread, the discovery that all but one of her thumpers had snapped in transit drove Effie out of the hotel, the precious intact bobbin wrapped in a bundle of cloth to protect it along with one of the broken ones. Ms. Hastings accompanied her as chaperone, and Effie was dressed in the green gown that Hattie had so generously lent to her, much more comfortable in the warmer climate.

Mr. Ibis' workshop was simple to find, and she paused at the doorway, blinking into the dim interior, and knocked against the doorframe to attract attention, a little nervous and her heartrate increasing a little in anticipation of seeing him again.

Merely as a slightly familiar face, of course.

"Mr. Ibis? Are ye available?"