Keys to Wonderland

And Rabbit Hole Reflections

Keys to Wonderland - Messages


January 29th, 2013

[Filtered away from House of Cards loyalists and Queen loyalists]

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To stop some Spades from finding me I had a woman paint a black club over my eye and hand me a cup of tea. It was all very strange, but the Spades ignored me after that so I suppose I should that her. She also suggested a place for me to make some money of my own called The Golden Afternoon. It looked like a nice enough establishment. I'm just afraid that they may not take me considering I'm not use to dancing in such lovely establishments.

January 21st, 2013

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[Scrawled very nonchalantly in the corner of a napkin.]

Oysters, oysters everywhere
and not a drop to drink.

They're all the worst sort, too.

January 18th, 2013

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I'm writing on a tree and seeing words coming out of other trees, so I guess this is going to be seen by other people? I mean, it's crazy but I guess that's about right when you consider this is a totally realistic (in a way) hallucination, product of me falling into some stupid hole and probably breaking my neck or something. So now my brain is stretching my last seconds of life by giving me some chance to make peace with the world or something via ridiculous hallucinations.

I've seen it, there's at least two TV shows of that. With the cops and stuff. Sure, one guy gets run by a car and ends up in the forties, and I fall down through a hole and get...Lost meets Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, with Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds as the setting. Way to go, brain.

What's up with the roses, anyway?

January 16th, 2013

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This is not the first time I've woken to being soaking wet from random swims, but to wake up in an entirely different country seems strange. Or this doesn't look like any part of the United Kingdom I know.

Oh and to find a pen tucked into my skirt and writing scrolling by on a piece of wood. Maybe those pills were stronger than I thought.
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