Keys to Wonderland

And Rabbit Hole Reflections

Keys to Wonderland - Messages


February 2nd, 2013

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If ever I could bring a downpour,

now feels like it would be a nice time.


Consider my bones chilled. I'm not quite afraid of anything- but such blatant sadism on the Queen's part is enough to make my stomach turn.

How are you faring?


And how've you been?

January 28th, 2013

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Oh, well. It seems like it's as good as any other time to decide to pass by. It seems like I might be staying "around" for a while.

Maybe a little story will make things better, yes?



[Rebellion types]


What a pickle.

January 21st, 2013

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[Scrawled very nonchalantly in the corner of a napkin.]

Oysters, oysters everywhere
and not a drop to drink.

They're all the worst sort, too.

January 17th, 2013

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I don't like calm nights.
They leave me alone with my thoughts.

It's not the alone part I mind, I quite like that. I like having time to myself, and I'm sure it's the same with most people- even on a smaller basis, everyone requires their me time.

But my thoughts are the worst company you could imagine. They run amok, tearing something wild through my head and generally being loud, thundering nuisances.

However that is quite enough about that.

If anyone is curious, next week, once the celebrations have ended- I can almost promise you at least one rain storm.

It could get quite bad.

January 13th, 2013

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[Storm's handwriting is thin, and flowing, with looping script and very little pressure on the pen itself. His handwriting dances between elegant and illegible, with generous spacing between words, and a large letter space. His message takes up almost half a sheet of parchment by itself, despite it's relative shortness.]

I'm under the impression that it may not rain for the next week. There's still a chance- if some ambitious tendril of hot air decides to ascend a little too quickly, there could be the smallest of rain showers. But it would be quick, and warm, and gentle. Little ambitious warm fronts usually make the sweetest little showers.

But after that, I'm not sure. I'm feeling positively torrential. I would hope no one's festivities are ruined, but that all depends, really.

I wouldn't take my forecasting too seriously, but I would get an umbrella, if you're the sort who becomes bothered by a little rain.
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